The Church in History

  • 451

    The Council of Chalcedon 451 A.D.

    The Council of Chalcedon 451 A.D.
    The Council of Chalcedon 451 A.D is an event that took place after Jesus ascended to heaven, and people began to speculate if Jesus was human or not, because of all the miracles he has done. It is said the Jesus is truly God and truly Human and has a full soul and body.
  • Dec 24, 1054

    East-West Schism 1054 A.D

    East-West Schism 1054 A.D
    The East-West Schism is a disagreement between the East and the West in 1054 A.D. The East was had a theological greek philosophy, on the other hand, the West had a Roman law theological theory.
  • Dec 24, 1347

    The Plague/The Black Death 1347

    The Plague/The Black Death 1347
    The event was taken placed in1347 in the medieval times called “The Black Plague.” This Plague was transmitted by rats holding fleas that killed millions of people. The black plague supposedly originated from China or Central Asia. It then spread rapidly throughout the world. It also took place in Europe as many people died there, compared to other countries. Everyone was involved as anyone could get this disease and die from a high fever.
  • Dec 24, 1517

    The Reformation - Martin Luther’s Publication of 95 Theses 1517

    The Reformation - Martin Luther’s Publication of 95 Theses 1517
    Martin Luther is a person who when gainst the Church because of their abuse of indulgences. He believed that God didn't want money, he wanted love. He exposes the Church, and go against them as they abuse their power for money.
  • Dec 24, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg - 1555

    Peace of Augsburg - 1555
    Peace of Augsburg is an event in the church's timeline that brought peace to Germany. The Prince at that time brought war to other religions so the Roman Church and Augsburg will be peacefully reunited.
  • Dec 24, 1563

    The Council of Trent 1545-1563

    The Council of Trent 1545-1563
    The Council of Trent was the beginning of sacraments in the church such as the Eucharist and Marriage. From 1545, Mass was on a regular basis and training of priests. This Council introduced many things we see in church today such as all the sacraments that's why it's important.
  • The First Vatican Council 186-1870

    The First Vatican Council 186-1870
    The First Vatican Council was a meeting by the organised by the Pope. About 1050 Bishops attended to discuss the faith and morals the Church are believed by people.
  • The Second Vatican Council 1962-1965

    The Second Vatican Council 1962-1965
    The Second Vatican Council was held after world war 2 between 1962 and 1965. The council took place to discuss how world war 2 would not happen again. World peace was discussed people needed dignity and freedom to live through the horrors of World war 2.