The Assasination that Sparked it all.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated on the day of his parade in Bosnia Herzegovina. They were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip a man from Serbia. This murder perhaps sparked WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. -
Austria Hungary Demands Reperations
After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand causes Austria Hungary to demand reparations from Serbia. -
The Response
Serbia agrees to all but one of Austrians demands. Serbia says it won't let Austria participate in its judicial system which causes Austria to mobilize its troops. -
The Declaration
Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia after it doesn't meet the requirements -
The Attack
Austria Hungary bombards Belgrade, Serbia, the capital. -
The Retaliation from Russia
After Belgrade is attacked Russia mobilizes its troops to fight the Austrians. -
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The Chain Reaction
Germany declares war on France, Britain then declares war on Germany, then Montenegro declares war on Austria Hungary, shortly after that Austria declares war on Russia, then France declares war on Austria Hungary, then turkey declares war on France, finally Britain declares war on Austria Hungary. -
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Heavy FightingThroughout Europe
For almost two straight months there is heavy fighting in Europe each side refuses to give up and makes futile attacks against the other. The soldiers are starting to show a lack of morale and they’re wondering why they are fighting these endless battles. -
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The Weary Soldiers
The soldiers throughout Europe on both sides are constantly fighting, but gain nothing, but casualties. The men who fought these battles were extremely sad as they had seen many of their fellow men and sometimes even family blown to smithereens by the unending artillery fire and choking gas. -
The Christmas Truce
On the morning of Christmas the men of both sides awoke to a sight that seemed impossible. However, the impossible had come true. The men from both sides awoke to the sight of allied and central soldiers meeting in no man’s land to exchange gifts such as various forms of tobacco, war rations, and alcohol. There were even rumors of the sides playing soccer. -
The Sad Truth of the War
Sadly not everyone wanted the peace many commanders had ordered their men to keep fighting. One of these instances was when a British commander ordered their men to open fire on the peaceful German soldiers sadly the men obeyed the order and many lives were lost. -
The Resume of Fighting
Shortly after the great Christmas truce the commanders of both sides got word of the truces and immediately ordered that they’d be stopped at once, while not all of the men obeyed the commanders had ordered that any man that was to fraternize with the enemy was to be court martialed. Many of the days after these orders were given the men spent the days shooting into the air.