The Cattle Boom

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Spanish Ranchers

    Spanish ranchers were the only people farming in the west throughout the 1500s.
  • Longhorn Cattle

    Texans created the Texan Longhorn by crossing Spanish cattle with English cattle.
  • Cattle Price

    Cattle sold for $35.
  • Barbed Wire

    Barbed Wire was invented.
  • Barbed wire problem

    Ranchers erected miles of barbed water across the open range.
  • Cattle Price

    Cattle sold for $35 in the East.
  • Catte Price

    Cattle sold for $8 in the East.
  • Dead Herds

    Bad winter that killed many herds.
  • End of Cattle Boom

    Cattle were worth little to nothing by now.
  • Drought

    Teribble drought that killed many herds.