The Catcher in the Rye

By Jaxl8
  • First Major Event: Holden gets kicked out of Pencey Prep

    When the novel begins, we see that Holden is being kicked out of Pencey Prep school. We immediately know that Holden's life will start going downhill.
  • Second Major Event: Stradlater asks Holden to write an English composition.

    Stradlater knows that Holden is flunking all of his classes but yet still asks Holden to write a paper about the broad topic of anything. Holden reluctantly agrees and writes about his brothers baseball mitt. This is when we learn that Holden's brother Allie is dead. Allie (who is two years younger than him) died of leukemia and Holden does not seem to be over is death.
  • Third Major Event: Stradlater returns home from his date with Jane

    Holden and Stradlater get into a fight because Stradlater may have hooked up with Jane. It is obvious that Holden has a crush on her so Holden and Stradlater start to exchange fists. Holden looses the fight and decides to head to New York.
  • Fourth Major Event: Holden arrives in New York

    After Holden arrives in new York he thinks about calling some friends but in the end decides against it. When he thinks about who he was going he over analyzes and chooses to call no one.
  • Fifth Major Event: Holden goes to the Edmont Hotel

    When Holden arrives at a hotel after going to a nightclub he meets with a man who asks if Holden would be interested in hooking up with a prostitute. He agrees and the man brings up a women named Sunny. Holden realizes he is not in the mood for sex but instead just wants someone to talk to.
  • Seventh Major Event: Holden calls Sally Hayes

    Holden thinks about calling Jane but instead calls Sally. Holden sets up a date with her even though Holden thinks she is a "phony". Holden seems to arrive at his date early and goes out to breakfast with some nuns.
  • Sixith Major Event: Holden gets robbed

    As it turns out Sunny is not a great conversationalist, so she leaves but not before jacking up the price. Holden refuses to pay and Sunny leaves. a little b Maurice (the man who asked Holden if he wanted a prostitute) and Sunny show up looking for the extra five dollars. Maurice shoves Holden and punches him in the gut presumably stealing his money.
  • Eighth Major Event: After his Breakfast he gets a gift for Phoebe

    Holden is buying a record for Phoebe when he hears a boy singing a song. The song uses the name of the book.
  • Ninth Major Event: Holden heads home

    Holden meets with Carl at the Wicker Bar in the Hotel. They have a conversation and Holden then leaves the bar to head back home to see Phoebe. He arrives at the apartment and sneaks in to find Pheobe sleeping in D.B's room.
  • Tenth Major Event: Holden gives his iconic hat to Pheobe

    Holden gives Pheobe his red hunting hat before leaving as a sign of care.