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The British Kings and Queens

  • James I and VI of Scotland (1603-1625)

    James I and VI of Scotland (1603-1625)
    The first King to rule over Scotland and England. James was more of a scholar than man of action.
  • Gunpowder plot

    Gunpowder plot
    Guy Fawkes and his Catholic friends tried to blow up the houses of the Parliament but were captured before doing it.
  • Charles I (1625- 1649)

    Charles I (1625- 1649)
    Son of James I and Anne of Denmark, Due to difficulties with Parliament, a civil war started at the end of which he was beheaded.
  • The Commonwealth

    The Commonwealth
    Republic about twelve years long ruled at first by Oliver Cromwell.
  • Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector (1653-1658)

    Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector (1653-1658)
    Ruler of the Commonwealth who named himself Lord Protector and acted as a king.
  • Richard Cromwell (1658-1659)

    Richard Cromwell (1658-1659)
    Third son of Oliver Cromwell who failed to rule the Commonwealth and gained the respect of the army. He resigned and exiled himself to France.
  • Restauration

  • Charles II (1660-1685)

    Charles II (1660-1685)
    Son of Charles I who took up the throne. However, he was a weak king and his foreign policy was inept.
  • Great Plague and Great Fire of London (1665-1666)

    Great Plague and Great Fire of London (1665-1666)
    They took plce during Charles II reing.
  • James II and VII of Scotland (1685-1688)

    James II and VII of Scotland (1685-1688)
    He became very unpopular because of his persecution of Protestant clergy, also he was hated by the people.
  • William III (1689-1702) and Mary II (1689-1694)

    William III (1689-1702) and Mary II (1689-1694)
    He obtained the throne by defeating James II in The Glorious Revolution.
  • Anne (1702-1714)

    Anne (1702-1714)
    During her reing the United Kingdom of Great Britain was created by the union of England and Scotland.