Oct 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
-Last invasion of territory by a foreign army, Norman English led by Guillermo the conqueror in 1066 defeated the Saxons at the battle of Hastings. -
Jun 15, 1215
Magna's letter
-Letter 1215 Magna, antecedent most remote of a Constitution that the feudal lords forced to sign King Juan sin Tierra. -
Jan 1, 1337
War of the hundred years
-War of the hundred years, 14th and 15th centuries on French territory, the English were expelled from France. -
Jan 1, 1500
Foundation of Anglicanism
-Break with Roman Catholicism and Foundation of Anglicanism during the reign of Enrique VIII (16th century). -
Civil War
-Civil war between the absolutist monarchy and Parliament, establishing a puritanical Republic ruled by Oliverio Cromwell in the 17TH century. -
Glorious revolution
-Glorious revolution, Anglicanism is consolidated with the Protestant Prince Guillermo de Orange is called to govern, end of the 17TH century. -
Union Jack
-Act of Union of 1707, England-Wales and Scotland forming the Great Britain come together politically. -
Losement of the North America Colonies
-Century XVIII (1776) England loses the colonies of North America declare themselves independent. -
Act of Union
-Year 1800, the Act of Union which created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. -
Battle of Trafalgar
-19th century, year 1805, England dominates the seas to defeat Napoleon at the battle of Trafalgar. -
Industrial Revolution
-Century Industrial Revolution 19th, especially under the reign of Victoria I (1837-1901). A formidable imperiop will integrate and this Queen is on Empress of the India. -
First World War
-Century XX (1914-1918) first world war, triumph England and their allies during the reign of Jorge V Germany (governed by the kaiser Guillermo II) and its allies. -
Second World War
-Century XX (1939-1945) World War II, also trinfan the allies (which included England) against the strength of the axis Alemania-Italia-Japan