Indulgences First Used (Pre-Reformation)
Indulgences were first known to be offered out to people in 1095. Indulgences were a piece of paper that were promised to send anyone or yourself straight to Heaven after death. Buying these assured people that they would not have to go to Hell or wait in Purgatory.
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/luther/lutherindulgences.html -
Eyeglasses (Inventions)
Eyeglasses were made by Salvino D'Armate, but were given credit to Allesandro della Spina because he brought it to the people. Eyeglasses are used when someone does not have good vision. The glasses assist people in seeing objects, people, and such in everyday life.
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King and Pope (Pre-Reformation)
The King attempted to have the French clergy, churchmen or churchwomen, have tax put upon them. The Pope followed the King by threatening to kick people out of participating in church acts and events. Later, the Pope was released from his duties.
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes -
New Pope (Pre-Reformation)
Clement V became Pope in 1305. He was the one who moved the Church’s headquarters to Avignon instead of it being in Rome. Avignon is in the Southern part of France, which caused people to feel that the Church was starting to become ruled more by the French Kings.
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Clement-V -
The Divine Comedy (Literature)
The Divine Comedy is a poem that explains one's soul going on a long journey. This journey is about accomplishing the final goal of gaining salvation. The soul goes through a lot of places, such as Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven.
Artistic Movements of the Renaissance
https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Divine-Comedy -
The Canterbury Tales (Literature)
The Canterbury Tales is a book written by Chaucer (England). This book includes multiple stories that is about 29 pilgrims who go to Canterbury, England to see the tomb of Thomas Beckett. Thomas Beckett was killed by a group of people who believed in Henry the second since he was the archbishop of Canterbury.
Artistic Movement of the Renaissance presentation
https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/the-canterbury-tales-by-geoffrey-chaucer -
Period: 1400 to
Clothes (Daily Life/Culture)
Wealthy people during this time had the availability to having nice clothes. Wealthy women would wear big, puffy dresses with gold jewelry and wealthy men would usually be seen wearing tights with maybe skirts or long shirts that almost looked like dresses along with a hat. The poor usually wore the same outfit everyday, and were not elegant pieces of clothing at all. They were very simple and dull colored.
Life During the Renaissance Notes -
Period: 1400 to
Food (Daily Life/Culture)
Peasants would normally eat soups or they would make a mush using the leftover foods. They would eat cheap, bad bread and did not have a lot of meat around. Merchants and nobles had a variety of food to eat. They would have big feats involving foods like soups containing exotic spices, pig roasts, and on special occasions swans or peacocks were eaten.
Life During the Renaissance Notes -
Period: 1400 to
Music and Dance (Daily Life/Culture)
Music and dancing became very popular during this time. New instruments such as Harpsichord, Hurdy Gurdy, and Lute came about. New dances were used at festivals and as a form of entertainment.
Life During the Renaissance Notes -
The Book of the City of Ladies (Literature)
It was a book written by Christine de Pizan (France). This book covered thoughts and opinions about women at the time. The Book of the City of Ladies was about how women could be just as good as men if they were given the same opportunities for education.
Artistic Movement of the Renaissance presentation
https://www.wdl.org/en/item/4391/ -
The Medici Family (Patron of the Arts)
The Medici family was a banking family. This family then moved to Florence, wanting to influence and control the people there. The Medici family later on took interest into the arts. They held branch offices in towns along Italy and Europe.
Italian Renaissance Notes -
Printing Press (Inventions)
The printing press was made by Johannes Gutenberg. This machine was used to make things like books. This worked by pressing a surface that was covered in ink onto a piece of paper or cloth.
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Madonna with Child (Renaissance Art/Artists)
The Madonna with Child painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci around the 1490’s. In this painting, Madonna shows an example of being the perfect mother with a lot of love in her heart. Leonardo da Vinci used a lot of lighting and shading to paint Madonna and Child.
https://www.hermitagemuseum.org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01.%20Paintings/29633/!ut/p/z1/jZDBTsMwDIZfhR16JHG(link was too long, so if you need it just ask me) -
The Last Supper (Renaissance Art/Artists)
The painting of The Last Supper was done by Leonardo da Vinci between 1495 and 1498. This painting is of the final meal that Christ and his disciples had the night before his Crucifixion. Leonardo used many personality and different expressions for everyone person in the painting.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Last-Supper-fresco-by-Leonardo-da-Vinci -
The Engagement of Virgin Mary (Renaissance Art/Artists)
The artist of The Engagement of Virgin Mary was Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, or Raphael. This painting was painted in 1504, and the main subjects are the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph. The Engagement of the Virgin Mary was part of a series of paintings that Raphael painted of this “blessed mother” as she is known as.
Renaissance Artwork Research Paper -
Jul 2, 1505
Luther Stuck in a Storm (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
On this day, Luther was outside leaving home to return to where he was studying law. A violent storm came upon Luther and he did not know what to do. Luther said that if he was saved from the storm that he would become a monk.
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
https://news.cision.com/luthercountry/r/july-2nd--the-day-that-martin-luther-was-thunder-struck,c2853319 -
Heliocentric Solar System (Scientific Discoveries)
The Heliocentric Solar System was created by Aristarchus of Samos. This system is about how the Sun is the center of our universe, and not the Earth. The first HSS model showed all of the planets being the same size and same distance away from the Sun, but now it shows the actual sizes and distances from the Sun that the planets are.
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School of Athens Painted (Renaissance Art/Artists)
Raphael finished painting the School of Athens in 1511. The School of Athens painting is located on the far wall of the Vatican Palace. Through this painting, Raphael expressed many things, such as balance and harmony.
https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ap-art-history/early-europe-and-colonial-americas/renaissance-art-europe-ap/a/raphael-school-of-athens -
Desiderius Erasmus (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation)
Desiderius Erasmus started to influence the works and thoughts of Martin Luther. Erasmus assisted in attacking the Church and how corrupt it was. He talked about the scripture and explained how Luther wanted/demanded to have a return to the scripture in 1516.
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
https://history.hanover.edu/hhr/94/hhr94_3.html -
Oct 31, 1517
95 Theses (Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation)
The 95 Theses was written by Martin Luther. Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses because he wanted to speak his opinion about the wrongs of the Church and the selling of indulgences. He then proceeded to post his writings on the door of the Church, which was believed to start the Protestant Reformation.
https://www.history.com/topics/reformation/martin-luther-and-the-95-theses -
Mona Lisa (Renaissance Art/Artists)
Between 1503 and 1519 was when the Mona Lisa was painted. Leonardo was the artist of this famous oil painting. This painting is very interesting because no one knows who the mysterious Mona Lisa woman is, so it fascinates and interests people and encourages them to go and visit it tin he Louvre Museum, in Paris.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mona-Lisa-painting -
Discovery of Planets (Scientific Discoveries)
Before the 1600's, many planets were discovered. Some of those planets consisted of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The discovery of these planets helped us a lot in figuring out a lot about our solar system.
https://nineplanets.org/chronology-of-solar-system-discovery/ -
Cosimo I the Great (Patron of the Arts)
Cosimo I the Great was the Grand Duke of Tuscany. He supported Vasari, who created one of the world's greatest art galleries, Uffizi. Later, he founded the Academy of Design.
https://www.italian-renaissance-art.com/The-Medici.html -
Scientific Method (Scientific Discoveries)
The Scientific Method was created by Sir Francis Bacon. This method consists of a list of steps that help you get to your results. The steps start of by creating a hypothesis and following by doing things such as conducting an experiment and writing a report.
New Ideas and Inventions Document -
Adding Machine (Inventions)
The adding machine was created by Blaise Pascal. The adding machine was created by Pascal to help his father who did taxes. Adding machines used to work by turning the dial clockwise to add and counterclockwise to subtract. Finally, the answer would pop up towards the top of the machine. It took Pascal from 1642 to 1644 to make the adding machine.
New Ideas and Inventions Document