The Big Ten Explorers

  • 1492

    Columbus has support from Spain

    Columbus finally gained support from the Spanish Monarchs
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus set sail

    Columbus set sail from Spain
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Lands

    Made landfall on the Bahama Island (San Salvador) Claiming for Spain
  • 1493

    Columbus Returns

    Columbus returns on the attempt to find gold, but has no luck.
  • 1496

    Cabot gains support from England

    King Henry Vll authorized Cabot.
    Sets sail the same year
  • Jun 24, 1496

    Cabot Finds land

    Cabot has found North America claiming it for England.
    British claims Canada and the Border of North America
  • 1498

    Columbus Sails West

    Sailing west across the Atlantic visiting Trinidad and South America.
    Capturing the Taino people being forced into labor, nearly extincted due to Columbus.
  • 1499

    Cabot Last Voyage

    Cabot returned the news to King Henry and set out for a second trip, but never made it. Believes to have perished at sea due to a storm
  • 1499

    Vespucci the mapper

    Joined an exploration that was on a trip to find a passage to India. Marking all the constellations, the coast, and the sea, including the flowers. Mapping the Amazon River
  • 1501

    Vespucci the Mapper

    Gained compensation from King Manual of Portugal. Still trying to find a river to India. Instead find a new continent Naming it New World
  • 1502

    Columbus Last trip

    He was stripped of his title, but convinced the Spanish for one more trip. Made it to Panama coming back empty handed
  • 1508

    Ponce de Leon Has permission to explore from the Spanish

    Gained permission to explore San Juan Bautista/ America
  • 1513

    Ponce de Leon lands in Florida

    On the search for the "Fountain of Youth"
  • 1513

    Balboa set sail

    Balboa leads an expedition for gold... he sails for the Spanish
  • 1513

    Balboa finds an Ocean?

    After climbing a mountain Balboa sights the Pacific Ocean. He claims the border of the pacific ocean for King Ferdinand
  • 1517

    Magellan has support from Spain

    Magellan relocated to Spain to seek support. Gained the support of the grandson of King Ferdinand.
    The King of Portugal refused causing his relocation
  • 1518

    Cortes sets sail for Mexico

    Cortes has support from Spain for his expedition
  • 1519

    Balboa Beheaded

    Later Balboa was back stabbed and entered a trail later losing leading to be beheaded
  • Aug 10, 1519

    Magellan set sail

  • Jul 7, 1520

    Cortes Defeats the Aztecs

    He may have failed the first time but he returns to defeat the Aztecs and success
  • Oct 21, 1520

    Magellan found the Strait

    Magellan found the "Strait of Magellan", being named after him. He was the first to circumnavigate the globe
  • 1521

    Ponce de Leon was Killed

    On his second voyage back to finding the "fountain" he was killed by Native Americans, Later dying in Cuba due to a poisonous arrow
  • 1521

    Magellan's End

    Magellan's fleet landed in Pacific Island of Guam creating an alliance with the Cebu. Therefore helping them in battle unfortunately Magellan was killed in battle
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortes gains control of the Tenochtitlan

    The Aztec empire has finally fallen. getting Montezuma gold.
  • 1531

    Pizarro approved by Spain

    He gained the approval of King Charles. That any land that he conquered he would govern. So he begins his adventure
  • 1532

    Pizarro Finds the Cajamarca

    Where the Inca live and was led by Atahualpa
  • 1533

    Pizarro Conquers

    He has claimed Cuzco another part of Inca, later becoming the city of Peru
  • 1538

    DeSoto the Conquistador gains support from Spain

    One of the Wealthiest Conquistador and decides to set out from Spain
  • 1540

    Coronado explores the North America Southwest

    Finding the Grand Canyon/Arizona. with no luck of Gold
  • 1540

    Coronado explores for New Spain

    He was entourage for Antonio de Mendoza. being intrigued by the Rumors of the "seven cities of gold"
  • 1541

    DeSoto Found the Mississippi River

    DeSoto and his crew have found the Mississippi River taking it all the way back
  • 1542

    DeSoto never made it back

    Although he did find the River he never been able to tell the tale. On his way back he died to a Fever
  • 1544

    Coronado No Luck

    Coronado never achieved his wish of finding gold, but he dies in Mexico living his life
  • 1547

    Coronado finally dies

    dies in Spain with great honor and recognition of his adventures.