The Big Bad Colonialism

By Coan
  • 1400

    Trade with Europeans

    In the Golden Age of exploration, the Europeans sail south and hit Africa and learned about there wealth and began to trade with the country of Africa
  • 1500


    In the 1500 the Europeans sold Africa guns and European traders made goods for slaves
  • Colonizing

    They were colonizing Africa to take the country for its resources and money.
  • All of Africa was colonized

    European took over all most all of Africa there was only 1 country left uncolonized
  • The Revolt

    The mid 1900s when WWII was happening the Africans who are getting treated terrible rebel to try to hit them while they were weak because of WWII
  • South Africa Independence

    South Africa was released from Great British rule
  • Freedom

    The Kikuyu people of Kenya made a political organization to fight for freedom from Great Britain.
  • Italy Invades

    When Ethiopia was the only country uncolonized Italy invaded the country.
  • Ghana

    Kawame Nkrumah introduced the idea of Pan-Africanist this was the belief in the unity of Black Africans all around the world.
  • Afrikaners

    White South Africans were known as Afrikaners made by apartheid law.
  • Sudan independence

    Sudan got independence from Great Britain.
  • First civil war

    After independence the population in the south rebelled against northern rule
  • Ghana Independence

    Ghana would get there independence.
  • Belgium Congo independence

    Belgium Congo became independent in 1960
  • Nigeria Independence

    Nigeria got independence after a struggle with the British.
  • Kenya Independence

    Kenya gained there Independence
  • Mandela

    Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
  • Joseph Mobuto

    Joseph Mobuto rose to power and renamed the country to Zaire. He was a terrible ruler with a lot of violence.
  • Igbo attempt at Independence

    Igbo tried independence then renamed to Biafra then had a civil war.
  • Second civil war

    Shortly after the first civil war against north and south a second one broke out.
  • The end of apartheid

    The end of apartheid and Nelson Mandela got released.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Mandela and de Klerk were awarded to Nobel Peace prize.
  • First open elections

    In 1994 South Africa had there first open elections which Nelson Mandela was elected president
  • Tunisia what for a new Government

    The people in Tunisia started to want a more democratic government.
  • South Sudan’s Independence

    Sudan recognized South Sudan’s independence.
  • President Ben Ali

    The president Ben Ali stepped down letting a democratic government take control.
  • Qaddafi

    Qaddafi was captured and killed and a new government was elected.
  • The resign of Mubarak

    Mubarak was forced to step down from his dictatorship.
  • Mohammed Morsi

    He was the leader of the government that replaced Mubarak.
  • Military rule

    Mohammed Morsi term was cut short because he was overthrown by the Military.