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The Best Of Me In The Future - Lauren Wasik

  • 18th Birthday

    When I turned 18 it meant a lot of things for me. It meant I was graduating from high school. It meant I was starting a new part of my life. It also meant that I was officially an adult and that I had to take care of myself now. As ready as I was to leave high school, I was scared to jump into the deep end and go straight into the shark tank of Universities. But I was ready to pursue my dreams. I did all my research and I had it all planned out. I wasn't excited to leave mom and dad.
  • Moving to New York

    During the month before school started, I moved to New York to go to Julliard. I lived in Julliard residence for my first year. It was definitely a scary experience, for me and my parents, but I'm glad I did it. My mom, dad, all the stuff I needed, and I drove in a U-Haul van to New York to get my room ready and to get to know the campus a little bit more. I found all my classroom with a week to spare. My mom and dad stayed in a hotel for a few nights, we said our goodbyes and then parted ways.
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    Julliard - Vocal Program

    After I moved to New York, I started to study at Julliard. I went to Julliard for their Vocal program. I had to take piano, opera, music theory, acting, and other classes every day. I literally studied music, Every. Single. Day. It did get to be a bit much at some points but it was 100% worth it. I learned so much and got so many incredible opportunities. I performed with the worlds best musicians and I also got to study with the worlds best musicians as well. I will not forget that experience.
  • Julliard Graduation

    This was probably one of the biggest moment in my life. Graduating from Julliard and being able to say that I studied there for 4 years was amazing. I was incredibly thankful for that whole experience and all the hard work that came with it. And yes. It was incredibly hard work. I was honoured to be chosen as the Valedictorian as well. Although the ceremony was more than 4 hours long, it was very rewarding walking across the stage and receiving my deploma in front of all my friends and family.
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    First Broadway Show

    One year after I graduated from Julliard, I was going to a lot of auditions and working at Ellen's Stardust Diner. I kept going to audition after audition until I actually got a part in a professional Broadway show. I was so ecstatic! I got the part of Kathy Selden in the revival of "Singing In The Rain". This was extremely exciting for a 24-year-old, fresh out of Julliard who is working as a waitress. The whole process was very tiring but incredibly rewarding. I did on 215 shows on Boradway.
  • My Wedding

    That was the day that I married the love of my life. It was a small-ish wedding at my cottage community in the fall. It was a little chilly but I would not have changed the day at all. It was pretty perfect. It was a very rustic theme with mason jars hanging from the trees. But every guest got a blanket in case they got cold and our ice cream sundae bar was probably the third best thing there. Other than my amazing yellow shoes and, you know, getting married. Overall, a super incredible day.
  • Georgia's Birth

    The birth of my daughter, Georgia, was one of the most magical moments in my life. I had always wanted to have a family no matter where I was in my career. I was extra lucky to not have any shows going on during my pregnancy and birth. I also had about a year off of work to stay with Georgia. Don't get me wrong, it was extremely tough at times but my mom, dad, brothers, and friends helped out a lot. My husband is an incredible father and Georgia is the most beautiful thing ever.
  • Performance with L'Opera National de Paris

    After going to L'Opera National de Paris when I was 16, I was blown away and I knew I was going to do anything to sing there. Well, Julliard students, at the time, were asked to perform with the Opera. They were doing a charity concert and they wanted the best of the best. I originally was not asked to perform but I asked my teacher if I could. He said I could perform if I get an 80% or higher on my music theory test (it was not my best subject). But I passed and I got to perform at the opera.
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    Teachers College

    One year after I had Georgia, I went to teachers college at Western University. Besides being a singer and getting to Broadway, my other big dream was to become a teacher. So I went back to Toronto and stayed with my parents for a little bit and then rented a house in London, Ontario. I went to Western's Teachers college program and got my Bachelors degree in teaching. It was nice to be much closer to my parents especially after I had Georgia. I finished teachers college when I was 31.
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    Music Degree

    One year after I had Georgia, I decided to get my General Music degree and go to teachers college at the same time. I always wanted to be a teacher and this was a great opportunity to start. I moved to London, Ontario with my husband and daughter and went to Western University for music. It wasn't any Julliard type music program but it helped me understand what kids need to know about music. And my time and Julliard did help me with this degree as well since I did almost the same thing there.
  • David's Birth

    David is my second child. His birth was not as amazing as the first. I actually got a C-section with him because he was taking to long and I was becoming a bit too weak to continue. But, after 9 hours at the hospital, David was born and he was a beautiful and healthy boy. Georgia was not incredibly happy about having a baby brother because she wanted a baby sister but she got used to him pretty quickly. My husband took paternity leave which was great because I was still in teachers college.
  • 30th Birthday

    My 30th birthday was a big one for me. It was the birthday that made me realize that I have an incredible foundation for my life with my kids, husband, career options, and plans for even farther in the future. I had a little get together and by little I mean there were around 100 people at my cottage playing games, dancing, singing, drinking, and having a great time. My husband planned it all and I was kind of shocked that he invited that many people because he's not a big party person.
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    Moving to Notting Hill, England

    The same year I graduated from Teachers college and got my music degree, my husband, David, Georgia, and I all moved to London England because there are more teaching and performing opportunities there and my husband got hired at a company there. We moved into a small town called Notting Hill just outside of London. We got a little house right in between a high school and elementary school. I work at the high school as a music teacher and my kids go to the elementary school. It's pretty perfect.
  • High School Reunion

    And now I'm here. I am so honoured that I was chosen to speak tonight and I can't thank you all enough for shaping me into the person I am today. Coming back here and seeing everybody whom I shared 4 years perfroming with in high school brings back so many amazing memories. I am enjoying life way more than I ever thought I would. I have had my ups and downs but I would not change any of that for the world. I am greatful, excited, honoured, extremly thankful, and now I have to go back to London!