The Best of Me in the Future

  • Period: to

    The Best of Me in the Future

  • Me in 5 Years

    Me in 5 Years
    I would like to be going to the Univesity of Toronto in five years. My goal is to get a Master's degree in English and writing. I want to do this because university degrees are thought highly of and having one will assist in getting me a job. I would also like to get a Bachelor's degree in marketing for future use.
  • Ten years from now

    Ten years from now
    Ten years from now, I'd like to be done with university and working with a stable job. My dream job would be to become a bestselling author. However, one cannot become an author overnight, so while I write, I also need another job. I have selected Marketing manager for my second job, which was my reasoning for getting a Bachelor's degree in marketing.
  • Me in 15 years

    Me in 15 years
    In fifteen years, I will have more of a reputation for writing and will begin to make more money off of it. At this point, I can quit my marketing job and get a part time job until I earn enough of of my writing career. If I can write 1 book every year, I should have published and make money off of roughly 9 books so far.
  • 20 years from now

    20 years from now
    Twenty years from now, wll be 35, hopefully with a successful writing career. If my writing is good enough and attracts enough fans, I shouldn't need another job to sustain me. As a big reader, I really want to contribute good writing for others to read. It would be like giving back to readers, paying it forward.