5 Years
In 5 year's time, I will have successfully graduated high school. I will have competed all the courses that are needed, like English, Functions, Calculus, and Physics . Due to my responsibility and self-regulation skills, I will achieve good marks in all of them. I will have completed my volunteer hours easily by continuing on volunteering in a long-term care facility Since I will (hopefully) have high marks in all the courses, I will get accepted to some university where I will start studying E -
10 Years
In 10 years, I will complete University and and get my Bachelor of Engineering. I will become an EIT (Engineer in Training) and work towards achieving my goal which is to become some sort of engineer. By this time, everything will be different form what it is now, and technology would have grown and advanced exponentially and there will me a need for jobs that have to do with this. -
15 Years
In 15 year's time, I will start looking for new jobs and opportunities. I will become an Engineer-In- Training. My job would be to analyze and design projects under the guidance and supervision of a licensed engineer. This will be a start to my professional career and I will work towards advancing in mtowards advancing in my field. I will be able to use my work habits and learning skills quite effectively in this field. Towards the end, I will have enough experience and start working as a Profes -
20 Years
By now I will have several years of on-the-job training and successful completion of the professional engineer licensing exam. I will continue working as an Engineer. I will get to analyze and design more complex projects. I will be in this position for a while.Because I want to keep advancing, I will start trying to get a master's degree in a specific area of whatever type of engineering that I am doing . After a couple of years, I would have completed my degree, and be considered a senior eng