The beatles

The beatles

  • The Quarrymen

    The Quarrymen
    John Lennon formed a skiff group called The Quarrymen.
  • George Harrison

    George Harrison
    The young guitarist George Harrison was invited to watch the group at Walison Hall, Gaston, Liverpool. Harrison joined the Quarrymen as lead guitarist.
  • Stuart Sutcliffe

    Stuart Sutcliffe
    Lennon´'s art-school friend Stuart Sutcliffe joined and played bass.
  • Deported

    Harrison was deported for having lied with to the German authorities about his age.
  • First engagement

    First engagement
    The reunited group played their first engagement at the Casbah Club (with Chas Newby substituting for Sutcliffe)
  • Top Ten Club

    Top Ten Club
    The Beatles returned to Hamburg, performing at the Top Ten Club
  • First televised performance

    First televised performance
    The band´s first televised performance was on the People and Places programme, transmitted live from Manchester by Granada Television.
  • American radio

    American radio
    Art Roberts, music director of Chicago powerhouse radio station WLS, placed "Please Please me" into radio rotation, making it the first time a Beatles record was heard on American radio.
  • Beatlemania

    Beatlemania crossed the Atlantic, when a crowd of four thousands fans at Hearthrow Airport waved to The Beatles as they took off their first trip to the US as a group.
  • Death

    He was 58. Harrison died at a friend's LAhome following a battle with cancer, longtime friend Gavin De Becker told The Associated Press.