Saint Domingue
1791 Slave revolt in Saint Domingue (Haiti). Leadership of Toussaint Louverture (d. 1803). -
Autonomous governments
1809-10 Autonomous governments (juntas) established throughout Spanish America.Father Miguel Hidalgo leads anti-Spanish revolt in Mexico (Grito de Dolores). -
Father Hidalgo in Mexico
1811 Defeat and execution of Father Hidalgo in Mexico. Leadership passed to Morelos. Achievement of independence of Paraguay (refusing to join Buenos Aires).Venezuela declares independence. French expelled from Portugal. -
Ferdinand VII
1814 Ferdinand VII restored to the Spanish throne (determination to end with revolts). Chilean patriot government defeated by loyalist expedition from Peru. -
Final defeat
1815 Final defeat of Napoleon. Execution of Father Morelos in Mexico.
Spanish expedition under General Pablo Morillo restored royal control in
Venezuela and New Granada. Bolivar went into exile in Jamaica and Haiti. The whole of Spanish America except for the River Plate is back in Spanish hands. Brazil raised to the status of “kingdom,” constitutionally equal with Portugal. -
Battle of Maipú
April 5, 1818 the Battle of Maipú was happening. independence of Chile. Bolívar liberated part of Venezuela. -
The Battle
The Battle of Boyaca started on August 7, 1819. The Battle of Boyaca was between Biovars and Spanish.The Spanish forced departed from Motavita towards Casa de Teja, a distance of only 25 km.It took 7 hours and 30 minutes. 18 minutes per kilometer.100 men died and 1,600 to 1,800 were taken as prisoners.liberation of New Granada by Bolívar (Independence of Colombia).This ordeal is followed by one even worse, a mountain crossing during which a considerable number of the rebel band die of cold. -
Battle of Carabobo
1821 the 1821 the Battle of Carabobo was after the battle of boyaca.(24 June). -
soouth american
On May 24, 1822, South American rebel forces under the command of General Antonio José de Sucre and Spanish forces led by Melchor Aymerich. The battle was a huge victory for the rebels, destroying once and for all Spanish power in the former Royal Audience of Quito. -
Peruvian highlands.
1824 Campaigns of Bolívar and Sucre in the Peruvian highlands. Battles of Junín (August) and Ayacucho (December). Independence of Peru. Federalist constitution in Mexico (Federal Republic, 1824-36).Constitution of Brazil (monarchical, centralists).