The Anglo-Saxon World

  • Period: 450 BCE to 1066 BCE

    The Beggining

    The Anglo-Saxons first tried invading in the 4th century, but the Roman army were quick to send them home again! Years later – around 450AD – the Ancient Romans left Britain, the Anglo-Saxons seized their chance and this time they were successful
  • Period: 450 BCE to 1066 BCE

    Germanic Celtic tribes

    The Anglo-saxons were conformed by three gruops: The Angles, The saxons and the Jutes, as you can tell by the name, the Jutes didn't have as much power as the other two
  • 1066

    4 Important Anglo-Saxon Gods

    1. Woden The chief of the Anglo-Saxon gods was the All-Father, Woden. As with many of the male Anglo-Saxon gods Woden was often associated with war.
    2. Frige She was the god of all things the Anglo-Saxons attributed to love, marriage, home and children.
    3. Thunor Thunor was the god of the weather, particularly thunder and lightning. He was also god of the forge, and so was especially important to blacksmiths.
    4. Tiw He was the god of war, swordplay and the sky.
  • Period: 1066 to 1066

    Seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms emerged

    ‘England’ as a country did not come into existence for hundreds of years after the Anglo-Saxons arrived. Instead, seven major kingdoms were carved out of the conquered areas: Northumbria, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex, Kent, Wessex and Mercia. All these nations were fiercely independent, and although they shared similar languages, pagan religions, and socio-economic and cultural ties, they were absolutely loyal to their own kings and very competitive, especially in their favourite pastime – war.
  • Period: 1066 to 1066

    The End

    Anglo-Saxons defeat Norse at Stamford Bridge. Normans defeat Anglo-Saxons at Battle of Hastings, conquer England. and start of Norman Rule