In 1857 a man named Herman... Schlegel - German ornithologist and herpetologist. - Discovered the Amur Leopard
In 1857 a man named Hermann Schlegel - German ornithologist and herpetologist. - Discovered the Amur Leopard -
Monitorring of anaimal starts
First acurate estimate
The first acurate estimate was made based on the snow track counts in russia by Dimitry Pikunov and Vladimir Abramov -
Snow tracking
The WCS (wildlife conservation society, WWF (world wildlife fund), and Russian Scientists carried out seven snow track counts resulting in population estimates varrying between 22 and 50. -
First Amur Leopard international conference
The USAID (united states agency for international development, WCS (wildlife conservation society), and WWF organized the first international amur leopard conference. It led to the outlines of a conservation strategy -
ALTA formed
ALTA (Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance) is created reflect the growing parcipitating numbers in the Amur Leopard conservation. -
Tigris Foundation
Tigris foundation funds s a four member anti-poaching team. It is used (or operated) exclusively for the leopard range, It is still active and running today. -
The Amur Leopard meeting was held in Vladivostok where the reintroduction plan was presented. -
Almost extinct
There are now only around 35 Amur leopards living in this world, the WWF, and lots of other organizations have been trying to avoid its extinction, but sadly, I fear it will be coming soon