Period: to
The Age of Enlightenment
The exact date of the age of enlightenment is unknonw, but these are the dates agreed on by most scolars. This age marked a period of time focused on individualism rather than tradition. The flourishing of new ideas, and experimentation of government led to new traditions. -
Period: to
The French and Indian War
A war in which the royal French focrces and the Native Americans fought against the colonists. -
The Surgar Acts
In order to raise revenue for the British Parliment, a three-cent tax was past in order to dominate the surgar trade. Stonger customs for refined surgar and molassess lead to protests. It was repealed in 1766 -
The Stamp Act
A tax that charged every piece of paper that American colonists used. The money collected was supposed to be used for protecting the colonies. The biggest affront was the lack of Colonial legislation. -
The Tea Act
Passed by the British Parliment to sell eighteen pounds of tea through the East India Company, the Tea Act imposed no taxes. It took away local business from colonies, and angered the Revolutionists. -
The Boston Tea Party
A group of Massechusets Patriots protested the momopoly of the East India Company. They siezed 342 tea crates and trhew them over the side over the boat. -
The Second Continetal Congres
This was the day that Thomas Jefferson coipied the Delcaration of Idepedece. It was thought t to be taken from several coipes -
Constitutional Convention
The meeting in Indepence Hall that ended in the creation of the constitution. -
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
A book that challenged the British Parliment's rule over the colonies. It was credited with sparking the American Revolution. -
Treaty of Paris
The ending of the American Revolutioinary War which brang peace to all sides. -
Ratification of the Constitution
Shay's Rebellion.
Occured in Western Massechustets, when farmers started to suffer from extreme debt after tying to establish farms. Local sheriffs seized the land, leading to many rebellions.