With the help of the enlightenment thinkers such as Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rosseau, America was able to rise up and over come Britain.
Evil and Selfish
Hobb's idea was that people need an absolute Monarchy because people are evil and selfish. That leader was the King of France who ruled with an iron fist over his people. The idea was highly biased. (American). -
John Locke (Foundation)
John Locke proposed the idea that people are all born with rights. Life, Liberty, and Property are those rights, and it's the government's job to protect our rights. John Locke had highly disagreed with Thomas Hobbes idea that there should be an absolute monarchy and people need to be controlled. At this time the king was taking advantage of the people and making them believe that God gave his power to the king. So Locke created this idea to say the king shall let people have their own right. ( -
Seperation of Church and the Goverment
Voltaire said that the government needs to be separated from the church, but should be run by natural laws. At this period in time the King of France said he had to make the laws because God had said so, there was no choice or opinions, only god. The people had no say on the laws that were completely religion based. (Enlightenment). -
sepration of powers
Montesquieu proposed the idea of separation of powers. His idea was that the government would form a checks and balances system, so people wouldn't be fearful of their own government. At this time the king of France was taking away everyone's natural born rights, and no one could stop him because they were too scared, or they weren't a higher power. (American). -
Free Formed Goverment
Rousseau said that the government would be stronger and unified if the people were to free form it. Meaning that if people of the nation came together and use their ideas and gave people the right to change things and vote, there would be more authority. During this time the King had been making everyone practice was religion of his choice, and would punish them unjustly. Freedom of speech wasn't allowed, or punishment was an option they used. (American). -
Boston tea party
The Boston tea party was an act use to show Britan that Hobbes idea was actually incorrect. In fact the Tea party was staged to show Britian they were fed up being treated like low class and that they needed a leader. They were opposed to Hobbes idea of a total monarchy, and they wanted freedom. They weren't animals that needed to be tamed. (Foundation). -
Lexington and Concord
This battle was the first fight for freedom against britain in the American Revolution. The battle was majorly influenced to be fought by Rousseau's idea on the social contract. That people shall be allowed to back out on their govt when not treated right. This battle was a sign that they wouldn't go down without a fight.
(impact) -
Declaration of Independence
The declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson, and fellow patriots. the Declaration was written to prove that everyone in the U.S.A was given freedom and it's our right to use it. It also said everyone is given life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This idea stemmed off from John Locke's who said everyone is given life, liberty, and property. The both were created because everyone has their rights, and govt. cannot take it. (impact). -
Checks and Balances system
The checks and balances system was added to the constitution by James Madison. It was set to make sure Britain or anyone couldn't come come in and destroy the equality between the branches. the branches are the executive, legislative, and the judicial. This idea came from Montesquieu who wrote the idea because the King of France was the only power at the time and he controlled everyone. James Madison liked the idea that no one was the higher power (Enlightenment). -
1st amendment
The first amendment was added to the constitution. It stated that people are given the right for freedom of press, religion, assembly, speech, and petition. Voltaire's idea of separation from the church and government. This gave the people the idea to write the amendment, because last time they had religion based laws it didn't work out so good. (enlightenment) -
Works Cited
"Impact of the Enlightenment, Economics, and Geography on The American Revolution." 123HelpMe.com. 23 Mar 2016
http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=23222. "Foundations of American Government." Ushistory.org. Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. Jeremyange91. "Enlightenment Thinkers." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Dec. 2013. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.