The American History

  • Colonies

    The Europeens seltters ( British in majority, French, Germans...) arrived in North America to search the freedom of living their religions or just to find better jobs. They colonized the USA and imagined to creat a new nation.
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    American Revolution

    After 1763, the polical change and an independance war started between the USA and the UK.
  • Declaration of independance

    Declaration of independance
    This declaration is a political text where the thirteen colonies of America seceded from Britain made by Thomas Jefferson which deals with the taxation of products.The text proclaims the birth of a new nation and represents a revolutionary act based on individual liberties and equality of all.
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    Western Expansion

    At that time, Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana and it is the continuity of the western expansion where the Manifest Destiny born. It s a concept of freedom and equality for all the citizens in the country. And, at the end of the revolution war, the Bistish controled USA of which double size.
  • The U.S Constituion.

    The U.S Constituion.
    The Constitution is "the supreme law" of the United States composed of 7 articles and It is regarded as the oldest written and codified national constitution in force had been amended 27 times. It based on the separation of the 3 powers and on a conception of federalism ( rights and responsibilities of the country)
  • Bill of rights

    It is a set made up of the first 10 amendments to the American constitution whichIt limits the powers of the federal government and guarantees some liberties as the freedom of the press, speech, religion, assembly, the right to bear arms, and property.
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    Civil War

    A war between the industrial north and the slave-owning south broke out when Abraham Lincoln was elected against 11 southstates. It was one of the deadliest war of the United States of America with 633, 000 deaths.
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    Reconstituion was the name gived by the president after the civil war. Indeed he accepted the reintegration of the Southerners into the union under certain conditions: The acceptation of:
    the constitution against the slavery ( XII amendement ), the legislation that confers the rights of black ( XIV amendement ) and the forbidden of exclusion of black people ( XV amendement )
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    Rise of Industrial America

    The end of the reconstitution, gives to the USA an increase of the industry. United States emerged as an industrial giant and old industries expanded and many new ones as in petroleum for example. It is a period of prosperity and the industrialization of the country gives work to many people.