The Alpha and Omega of Special Education

By Motley
  • Act 1: Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Act 1: Civil Rights Act of 1866
    This Act gave African Americans the same citizenship rights as their White counterparts. This is significant because it earmarked the first time equality was permitted for all humankind.
  • Court Case: Plessy v. Ferguson

    Court Case: Plessy v. Ferguson
    This law allowed businesses, schools, political offices, and public transportation to discriminate per person's skin color without legal recourse. Purposefully, I am showcasing this mandate to demonstrate how the unethical practice of discrimination based on race transferred to people with disabilities. 
  • Genesis of integration: Brown v. Board of Education

    Genesis of integration: Brown v. Board of Education
    The landmark court case provides evidence for integrating schools and spending funds to allow equitable resources. This court victory demonstrated how segregation and educational inequality was a harmful strategy to implement in a heterogeneous population.
  • Act 2: Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Act 2: Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This Act removed discrimination in all public places, schools, and public transportation. I wanted to show the matriculation of African Americans to attain an equitable education from Civil Rights Act (1866) to Brown v. B.O.E (1954). In addition, this law provided a segue to highlight all wrongdoing of discrimination.
  • Mills v. Board of Education-1972

    Mills v. Board of Education-1972
    The Mills v. B.O.E court case served as a landmark that permitted all students with disabilities to receive an education without denial and without expenses required to support a child's education. This court case was a precursor to the current special education law known as IDEA.
  • Rehabilitation Act 1973: Creation of the 504 Plan

    Rehabilitation Act 1973: Creation of the 504 Plan
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provide a section known as 504 to protect all disabled people from discriminatory practices. My focus is to illustrate how section 504 will provide federal funding and accommodations for people with disabilities. This support benefits students in schools from levels Kindergarten to college.
  • P.L. 94-142

    P.L. 94-142
    This law was initiated to afford students with a disability an equitable and free education. I deem law to be a necessity because it provides parents "Due Process" when education laws or application of services are being contested.
  • Disability Act: 1986

    Disability Act: 1986
    The Disability Act of 1986 provided monetary incentives and Medicaid benefits for working people with disabilities. I am focusing attention on how our economy and health care systems were beginning to seek improvement regarding the "Quality of Life" before the turn of the century for our individuals with disabilities.
  • ADA: 1990

    ADA: 1990
    Americans with Disabilities Act forfeits an school, business, public transportation, opportunities to use accommodations and communication devices with any type of discriminatory behavior all states. This law is being highlighted because of its ability to force entities in providing accommodations and prohibits in form of discrimination.
  • IDEA: 1997

    IDEA: 1997
    The amendment of this 1975 created law mandates that all parents receive an updated report regarding their child's academic progress. This amendment is imperative for all families to receive similar student progress as their non-disabled peers.
  • NCLB: No Child Left Behind in 2002

    NCLB: No Child Left Behind in 2002
    The main focus of this law was to hold under-performing schools accountable for lack of student improvement. This timeline component was chosen,because it illustrates how a One-Size-Fits approach was implemented to decrease the achievement gaps in education.
  • Redux: IDEA 2004

    Redux: IDEA 2004
    This law implements early intervention plans, rigorous instructional planning, and in-depth requirements for intervention specialists. My aim is to exhibit how this law is closely aligned with the "One-Size-Fits" method of NCLB 2002.