History 4⁰ESO

  • The beginning of the industrial Revolution

    The beginning of the industrial Revolution
    The industrial Revolution began around this time. It was led by several factors like the population growth or Great Britain's colonial empire.
  • Watt's Steam engine

    Watt's Steam engine
    With the help of Boulton, James Watt developed his steam engine between 1763 and 1775. He finally built it in 1786.
  • Independence of the United States

    Independence of the United States
    In July fourth of the year 1776 the United States'constitution was drafted. Thus making it an independent state from Great Britain.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    A revolution broke out in Paris to stop the Ancien Régime. It ended in 1799 after Napoleon's coup d'etat.
  • Napoleonic Empire

    Napoleonic Empire
    Since his coup d'etat Napoleon started to conquer europe, and in 1804 he crowned himself as the emperor of france. The empire fell in 1815.
  • The constitution of Cádiz

    Also known as the Pepa. After gaining independence from France a series of ministers reunited in ádiz to draft a constitution for spain.
  • The Spanish-American war of independence

    It was a series of conflicts in The Spanish Americas which caused them to become independent from Spain. it spanned until semptember 29th of the year 1833.
  • The spanish war of independence

    It spans until 1814. The war of spanish independence was divided into Spain, Portugal and England against The french empire. The winner was spain, regainin its position as a country.
  • Luddism

    Luddism was an ideological movement that believed machines were going to replace workers and wanted to overthrow them.
  • Ferdinand VII

    He was an absolutist monarch that ruled spain after Joseph Bonaparte I's rule. He abolished the cadiz Constitution and the salic law to place his daughter on the throne.
  • Congress of Vienna.

    Congress of Vienna.
    After Napoleon's defeat a congress was held in Vienna to reorganize Europe's borders and re-establish the Ancien Régime.
  • 1820 revolution.

    1820 revolution.
    In 1820 a series of revolutions broke out around the south of europe, mainly in Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal.
  • The liberal trienium

    After Riego's pronunciamiento Ferdinand VII re-established the cadiz Constitution. Riego also brought his 10.000 sons os Saint Louis. This period ended in 1823 with the abolishment of the Constitution of cadiz.
  • Stephenson's Locomotive

    Stephenson's Locomotive
    In the year 1829 Robert Stephenson showed to public his locomotive. Which later became the most advanced locomotive of its time.
  • 1830 revolutions

    1830 revolutions
    They were a series of revolutions similar to the ones in 1820 but they broke out in france and northern Europe.
  • Isabella II

    Ferdinand VII's daughter. She reigned thanks to the abolishment of the salic law. However not everyone was content with her reign. So some oppositors wanted his uncle, Carlos, to reign.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    In 1848 due to the revolutions that spread around europe Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto thus declaring communism as a new ideology.
  • 1848 Revolutions

    1848 Revolutions
    In 1848 the last series of revolutions broke out, wiping out absolutism from Europe and establishing the enlightenment ideas.
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    Starting the year 1848 the different nations found in the italian peninsula unified into the nation of Italy.
  • First International

    First International
    The first international was a coalition founded in London which defended the workers' rights.
  • The first trade unions

    The first trade unions
    It was a council that was declared official in 1868 which looked forward to improve domestic and foreign trade.
  • German Unification.

    German Unification.
    Following Italy's example Germany also decided to unify its nations, creating the German Empire in 1871
  • I Republic

    In February elventh of the year 1873 the first Republic was proclaimed. It was the first time spain wasn't ruled by a monarch. It almost lasted two years, ending December 29th of 1874
  • The bourbon restoration

    After Arsenio Martínez campos' Pronunciamiento the first republic ended and the bourbons came back to ruling Spain.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    During this day an uprising started in Russia by killing the Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, and his daughters.
  • First Balkan War

    First Balkan War
    Starting in october of the year 1912, in this war the Balkan league formed by Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Serbia fought against the Ottoman Empire. Due to their number superiority the Balkans won, succesfully expulsing most ottomans from europe
  • Second Balkan War

    Second Balkan War
    Bulgaria wasn't satisfied with the land they earned in the first balkan war. So they decided to take it by their own hand, resulting in several attacks from its no longer allies and an even greater loss of territories. The conflict ended in august of the year 1913, with an armistice called the Bucharest treaty.
  • First World War

    First World War
    Due to a series of tensions among Europe culminated by the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand the First World War broke out in Europe. Germany and Austria Hungary as well as Bulgaria fought against France, Russia and later England. The war ended with the defeat of Germany and Austria Hungary in november of 1918.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    The February Revolution of 1917 in the Russian Empire marked the first stage of the Russian Revolution. It led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, ended the Russian monarchy, and resulted in the formation of a provisional government. The regime was an alliance between liberals and socialists made to establish a democratically elected executive and a constituent assembly."
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    Through this revolution the Bolshevik-communist party got to power in Russia, after the february revolution. Later this revolution will be the detonant of the russian civil war.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This treaty, signed by the Russians and Germans, aimed to end the conflict between Germany and its allies and Russia so Russia wouldn't loose any more territory. however they lost most of their land in Europe.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Through this treaty the allied powers ended the war against Germany, five years after Franz Ferdinand's death. the treaty got its name after the palace it was signed in, Versailles's palace.
  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations
    It was an organisation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Its purpose was to serve as a mediating place for countries to talk about resolving conflicts, to further prevent wars from happening.
  • Period: to

    Second World War

    This war was the bloodiest war yet. Having a total of about 60.000.000 casualties, countries that partcipated were: On the axis' side Germany, Italy and Japan and in the allies' side UK, France, USA and the Soviet Union.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    This was a project that Hitler came up with in order to neutralise the Soviet Union, which made them conquer Poland completely, the baltic countries, Ukraine and some of Romania, however it wasn't succesful due to the arrival of winter and the retreat of troops because of extreme conditions.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    During this bombing the japanese destroyed most of the Americans' fleet located in Hawai. This attack wasn't really effective whatsoever, because they didn't bomb the Headquarters or the shipyard, helping them recover quickly.
  • Atomic attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    To make a tiebreaker and finally end the second world war the Americans dropped two nuclear bombs, whose blasts single handedly decimated 150.000 victims. First one was in Hiroshima in august sixth and second in Nagasaki in august ninth
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    This institution was created after the war, in order to prevent more conflicts from happening and encouraging dialogation rather than confrontation.
  • Universal declaration of human rights

    Universal declaration of human rights
    This document stated a series of rights and obligations all member countries of the UN had to accomplish. This declaration defended humanity like a whole as well as individuals.