The Age of Kings

  • Gunpowder plot

    Gunpowder plot
    In 1605 5 men plotted to kill the King James I by using gunpowder to blow the building he was in. This plan did not play through because they got caught. They even tried to destroy parliament by doing this explosion.
  • King Charles I Agrees To The Parliament Petition Of Right

    King Charles I Agrees To The Parliament Petition Of Right
    King Charles I agrees to the Parliament petition of right. He had to accept 3 rules 1): Only parliament can collect taxes. 2): The king can send no one to prison without trial. 3): No one, Not even the king can force citizens to house soldiers unless these citizens want to.
  • How The Civil War In England Started

    How The Civil War In England Started
    In 1642 the Civil War started. When Charles asked the Parliament for money they tried to limit power. Then in 1642 the king tried to arrest the leaders of the Parliament. This is when enough is enough for the English people. They became so angry that Charles had to leave London. Then the Civil War broke into 2 groups those who supported the King and those who supported the Parliament.
  • Charles I Charged With Treason

    Charles I Charged With Treason
    Charles I was convicted of treason and put on trial then eventually executed on January 1649 outside the Banqueting House in Whitehall.
  • Oliver Cromwell Crowns Himself Lord Protector

    Oliver Cromwell Crowns Himself Lord Protector
    The most important event in Cromwell's life was his appointment in 1653 as Lord Protector. He was the first person who was not a member of the Royal Family to be a head of state in Britain.
  • Charles II Takes Throne During Restoration

    Charles II Takes Throne During Restoration
    Charles II was crowned king following the period of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. The bishops were restored to Parliament, which established Anglican orthodoxy.
  • Charles II dies and James II Was Crowned

    Charles II dies and James II Was Crowned
    When the death of his elder brother Charles II hit on 6 February 1685 James II was crowned king
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    James was replaced by his daughter Mary II and her Dutch husband aka his nephew. The two ruled as joint monarchs of England, Scotland and Ireland until Mary's death in 1694.
  • The English Bill Of Rights Is Passed By Parliament

    The English Bill Of Rights Is Passed By Parliament
    The English passed the Habeas Corpus Act. This law stated that the government has to charge someone with a crime before putting them in jail.