Apr 11, 1516
Charles V inherits power
In 1516, charles the V inherited the crown from his grandfather Ferdinand. he inherited the spanish empir and the hapsburg empire which included the holy roman empire. he wold later abdicate the hapsburg crown because of the difficulty of ruling it. -
Period: Apr 11, 1516 to
age of absolutism
In 1516, isabella´s and ferdinand´s grandson charles took the crown making him ruler of spainish empire and the hapsburg empire which includes the holy roman empire. later charles wolud abdicate his hapsburg crown because of it scattered lands -
Apr 12, 1556
charles V abdicates
the hapsberg empire proved to be very scattered and hard to rule. he went into a monastry to give up his title. he gave it to his brother ferdinand -
spanish armada
The spanish aramada was one of the biggest fleets in the world at the time. Phillip II wanted to invade England with it. In 1588 Phillip´s fleet set sail. with over 2000 pieces of artillery. Although, they had that amazing armada they faced the fast and powerful English ships. It was a massacre, body parts floated in the English Channel -
the tudors
the tudors often went to parliment to dicuss matters. the early tudors would control parliment but later on their grip would start to weaken. henry the VIII would control the pariliment. but the pariliment would fight back. -
30 years war
it was a series of wars tha started by ferdinand sought to assert power over protansant and nbels. Soon a rebellion started both sides sought allies that local conflict started a european war. it would last 30 years and cause depopulation in the german states -
parliment responds
When charles the ! went in to power he squweezed the nation for money. the parliment made him sign a document to limit his power but after he dismantled it. when he needed it agaon parliment revolted. -
absolute monarch rises
Louis the XIV belived in his divine right tot rule. on the system that his father built. he easly grabbed power using the sun as his symbol. he surivived the fronde and was quoted saying I am the state. -
a king is executed
charles 1 stood up on a clod gloomy day in january. and said i an a marty. and prayed. and then was executed. this sent shock wave through europe never before was a king executed by the people this would start englands kingless decade. -
persecuting of the hugnots
just like spain had done to the muslim and jews 1oos of years before france had expelled the huguenots. many went toengland and the americas. france saw them as a dangerous group of people and danger to national security. -
peter modernizes russia
peter went to the west to bring back techonology. When he came back he started to westernize russia. he imported western techonlogy and improved learning. he also helped build russian militray power. -
the great northern war
peter in the 1700 began a long war with sweden. it suffered hummiliating defeats. one battle army defeated a russian army 5 times its size but russia still won land. -
hapsburg changes its focus
after the war hapsburgs empire still wanted land they wold add bohima and other italian states. they had a diverse culture. eith many people religons. unfing they was hard for the empire but in the end they did. -
the war of spanish succession
neighboring nations led by england stopped phillip the V to creat a alliance with france and spain tgo maintian the balance of power. phillip the V was the king of both france and spain. he remained on the spanish throne but france never agreed to unite the two crowns. -
women emperor takes the throne
in the late 1700s a women emperor took the throne of the hapsberg empire. when fredrick seuzed the rich provence silesis.
she never forced him out but was a really good ruler her son joseph II would follow her example. -
catherine the great
after peter died a women took power. Her name was catherine the great. she finished what peter had started. she also helped the partion of poland and gained lands for russia. she even westernized russia more.