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The adventures of Tom Sawyer

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    The big fight

    The big fight
    Aunt Polly is calling Tom, but he doesn't show up. Until he hears it in the garden and goes to look for it. When he arrives, he sees Tom with scratches and asks what happened to him, but Tom doesn't want to tell him anything. After a while he admits that he had a fight with a rich kid from the village.
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    The punishment

    The punishment
    Aunt Polly scolds him and punishes him by saying that he can't go to play on Saturday because he has to paint the fence.
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    A job well done

    A job well done
    Saturday arrived and everyone went out to play, except Tom because he was grounded. When he was painting, a friend of his came by making fun of him. Tom kept calm, but began to challenge him saying that he would not be able to paint and in the end he convinced him to paint the fence for him, and also in exchange his friend Ben gave him an apple. He did the same with several other friends and together they finished painting it and Tom was allowed out to play.
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    The beetle and the dog

    The beetle and the dog
    On Sunday morning Tom and Cid got ready to go to Sunday school, but Tom didn't like going. After school Tom, Cid and Aunt Polly went to the church, and Tom wanted to make a joke so he brought a beetle and when the reverend started talking he put it on the ground, and instantly the church dog saw it and wanted to play with him. But the beetle bit his nose and he barked. With all the fuss the reverend got angry that no one was paying attention to him and Tom smirked at pulling this prank.
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    Tom meets Huckleberry Finn

    Tom meets Huckleberry Finn
    One Monday morning Tom met Huckleberry Finn and they walked together, his father didn't work and was lazy and his mother was dead. He had no home, he did not go to school, or church and his clothes were old and dirty, that morning he had a bag and Tom asked him what was in it, then Huck told him that he was a dead cat and that he would find out in the cemetery at midnight and Tom asked him if he could go with him, when he said yes, Tom told him to come home in the middle of the night.
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    The cementery

    The cementery
    That night Tom and Sid were in bed at half past nine. Sid soon fell asleep, but Tom did not. He was waiting for Huck. At eleven o'clock he heard Huck outside, got out of bed, got dressed, and hurried out of the bedroom window. Huck had the bag with the dead cat. The cemetery was a dark and frightening place with many trees and many graves. Huck was looking for the grave of Hoss Williams, they soon found it, Tom and Huck talked about what to call it, until Tom heard a noise.