the Adolf Hilter timeline

  • Hitler's birth and childhood

    Hitler's birth and childhood
    Adolf Hitler is born in Braunau an Inn in the empire of Austria-Hungary. His parents' families are both of poor peasant backgrounds. His father, Alois, regarded as strict and distant, Hitler’s mother, Klara, is of a more compassionate adoring and indulging her son. The death of his father when Adolf was 13, Adolf is able to pursue his preferred choice of study, that of art. He attends art school and regards himself as an artist, absorbing diverse cultural influences
  • hitler moves

    Hitler moves to Vienna with the aim of attending the Vienna Academy of Art, but his application is rejected. His disappointment is compounded by his failure to also get into the Vienna School of Architecture due to his inability to provide a school leaving certificate.
  • The Nazi party takes power in Germany.

    The Nazi party takes power in Germany. Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor,or prime minister of Germany.- Nazis ‘temporarily’ suspend civil liberties
    – The Nazis set up the first concentration camp at Dachau. The first inmates are 200 Communists. – Books with ideas considered dangerous to Nazi beliefs are burned.
  • the night of long knifes

    Night of the Long Knives. Hitler crushes all opposition within his own party—thus eliminating any of his rivals
  • Hitler combines the positions of chancellor and president to become ‘Fuhrer’ or leader of Germany.’

    Hitler combines the positions of chancellor and president to become ‘Fuhrer’ or leader of Germany.’
    – Jewish newspapers can no longer be sold in the streets.
  • the Crystal Night

    the Crystal Night
    In what is historically referred to as Crystal Night, 7,500 Jewish shops are destroyed and 400 synagogues are burnt. The attack is portrayed as a spontaneous reaction to the death of a German diplomat by a Jewish refugee in Paris. It is actually orchestrated by the Nazi party who also kill many Jews and send 20,000 to concentration camps. Crystal Night is considered to be the beginning of the Final Solution and the Holocaust, which you can study in more depth.
  • Period: to

    Chamberlain meets Hitler

    British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain meets Hitler in Germany. Britain, France and Italy sign the Munich Agreement which gives the Sudetenland (the German populated borderlands of Czechoslavakia), to Germany.
  • hitlers death

    hitlers death
    Hitler commits suicide with his wife of two days, Eva Braun; their bodies are believed to have been cremated.