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Jewish History 1301-1400

  • Period: Dec 31, 1301 to Jan 1, 1400

    1301 - 1400

  • Mar 27, 1305


    Pope clement V was the first pope to threaten Jews with an economic boycott in an attempt to force them to stop charging Christians interest on loans.
  • Jan 21, 1306

    Begon with you

    Begon with you
    King Philip was short of money due to a war with the Flemish and a complex currency reevaluation problem. It was against this financial background that King Philip came up with the plan to expel the Jews of France and confiscate and sell off their property.
  • Mar 26, 1315

    Come Back

    Come Back
    Jews were allowed bakc in France under King Louis X. They were allowed bakc for financial consideration and to recall their debt. They were promised one year's notice should permission to return be revoked.
  • Jul 7, 1320

    Destruction of the Jews

    Destruction of the Jews
    A crusade against the Jews was started by a shepherd. It spread throughout most of southern France and northern Spain. One hundred and twenty communities were destroyed. At Verdun, 500 Jews defended themselves from within a stone tower where they killed themselves when they were about to be overrun.
  • Aug 21, 1321

    The Blame Game

    The Blame Game
    Jews were accused of encouraging lepers to poison Christian wells. This directly led to wide-spread and similar accusations during the Black Plague. This time, five thousand Jews were killed. At Chinon, 160 Jews were burned in a pit on an island outside of town. The king, Philip the Tall, in time admitted that the Jews were innocent. The island is still known as Ile de Juifs. Which is French and it means Isle of Jews.
  • Jun 24, 1322

    No Promises

    No Promises
    Charles IV of France expelled all the Jews from France without the promised one year's warning.
  • Jan 1, 1334

    Red Rover Red Rover Send The Jews Right Over

    Red Rover Red Rover Send The Jews Right Over
    The king of Poland, known as Casimir the Great, created new laws to further protect the jews in 1334. He invited the Jews to inhabit his kindom after they were blamed for the plague. King Casimir favored the Jews and provided a safe place to live but later invited Saxons, Dutchmen, and other peoples to live under his rule as well.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Ashes, Ashes, We all fall down

    Ashes, Ashes, We all fall down
    The Black Death, probably bubonic plague, devastated Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world. It killed off 40% of the population of Europe. Often, the plague was blamed on minorities, frequently Jews. A number of Jewish communities were expelled from their homes and massacred.
  • Jan 1, 1349

    It's Mine!!!

    It's Mine!!!
    In Germany, the jewish community was destroyed. The Jewish inhabitants were either killed, converted or fled to Heidelberg. All their property - including the Jewish cemetery - was confiscated.
  • Feb 14, 1349

    No love for the Jews....we just want your money

    No love for the Jews....we just want your money
    On Valentine's Day over 2,000 men, women and children were burned on a wooden platform in their cemetery. Those who wanted to baptize themselves were spared. Many small children were taken out of the fire and baptized against the will of their fathers and mothers.The council took the cash that the Jews possessed and divided it among the working-men proportionaly.The money was indeed the thing that killed the Jews. If they had been poor, they would not have been burnt.
  • Mar 27, 1349

    Grill 'em

    Grill 'em
    In Swizterland jews were charged with poisoning the wells. Despite an attempted defense by the town council, 600 Jews together with the rabbi were burned to death. One hundred and forty children were taken from their parents and forcible baptized. The victims were left unburied, the cemetery destroyed and the synagogue turned into a church. The remaining Jews were expelled and not readmitted until 1869.
  • Mar 27, 1354

    Many Will Die

    Many Will Die
    The problems of the Jews began in the conflict between King Pedro, a protector of the Jews and Henry of Trastamara. Wherever Henry or his supporters triumphed, Jews were murdered. In the Alcana part of the Juderia (ghetto) of Toledo, Henry's supporters plundered the warehouses and murdered about 12,000 persons in Castile, Spain.
  • Mar 27, 1378

    The Purge

    The Purge
    Beginning in 1378 and diregarding several royal and church injunctions over period of 14 years, FerrAin MartAnez, preached powerful sermon in seville that advocated the destruction of all synagogues and the elimination of all Jew from the Kingdom.
  • Jun 16, 1385

    No more books

    No more books
    King Wenceslaus of Germany arrested Jews living in what was known as the Swabian League, and confiscated their books. A hefty fine had to be paid for the release of the prisoners and the return of the books.
  • Jun 6, 1391

    Bye, Bye, again....

    Bye, Bye, again....
    Under the rule of John I, things grew even worse for the Jewish community of Spain.Jews were forced to change prayers deemed offensive to the Church, and people were forbidden to convert to Judaism on pain of becoming property of the State. Anti-Semitic violence increased during this period, and Jews were often beaten in the street. Over 4,000 Jews were killed. Jews converted as the only way to escape death. Jews who did not convert were known as Marranos and practiced judaism in secert.