
The 10 Most Significant Events/Time Periods in US History

  • Oct 12, 1492

    The Arrival Of Christopher Columbus to the Americas

    The Arrival Of Christopher Columbus to the Americas
    This event was important to the entirety of what today is the continent of America (North America and South America). This set the stage for the civilized World of Europe to what is now America. Europeans later civilized the natives of the land colonized in the thirteen original colonies.
  • The Declaration Of Independence is Signed.

    The Declaration Of Independence is Signed.
    This Event made the United States an independent state. This was an act of the British colonies to an act of Independence from British rule. This was the sign of liberty to be their Own Rule, have an own Democracy, and set their own rules. This is the most significant event in the U.S as it literally made the Colonies into what is now the United states of America.
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    The Industrial Era

    This was a period of advanced technological and Industrial Improvement. It moved what would be new industrial cities. It provided jobs for women, and even made child Labor. However, the impact of the Industrial Era has made our United sttes Metrópolis.
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    The Mexican-American War

    This War between the United States and Mexico was over what is now California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and part of Colorodo. After it was won by the United states, It proved the the U.S wqas a hungry country willing to do anything for power and growth. Also, it was the first war that ws fought for the expansion of land for the U.S.
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    The Civil War

    The American Civil war was one of the bloodiest war up to date in American History. It divided the nation into separate opinions and gave the nation a reason to reflect on its past history. With one of it's main reason being the prohibition of slavery, the war was fought over something that was affected for today, as slavery is Illegal in The United States today. This war makes us look back on the dark days of American history today.
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    The United States enters WWI

    President Woodrow Wilson passed through the Senate the declaration of war against the Germans. The United States entered WWI to aids the allies and to prevent future threats. This decision caused a big conflict since many Americans were not in favor of entering the war and wanted to remain neutral. When the German surrendered, the United States celebrated their victory that would later lead to the depression. This was an important event since it marked the victory against a major threat.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression harmed the American economy tremendously. The unemployment rate in the United States was more than 50%. Consumers couldn't afford the cost of necessary items so, the products just piled up and were left as waste. President Herbert Hoover attempted to end the crisis, but more people were left homeless in the ruins. This was a significant event in history since it was a lecture for Americans during times of despair.
  • The Dropping of the First Atomic bomb In Hiroshima, Japan

    The Dropping of the First Atomic bomb In Hiroshima, Japan
    The first ever atomic attack in the world was in the city of Hiroshima in Japan, delivered by the United States of America. This event not only marked a change in the second world war, and a change in the power of the United States, it also changed how we see warfare today. With the fear of tis type of bomb ever to be used again, it could affect humanity in negative way.
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    The Civil Rights Movement [Link Text](

    Rosa Parks, an African American, refused her seat to a White American. This began the civil rights movement. Influential leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Bayard Austin led massive pacific marches throughout the United States with the support of their followers.After King's and Malcolm's assassination, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination. These events were important since it made racism illegal and more African American acquired fundamental rights.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Neil Armstrong along with Buzz Aldrin were the first Americans to ever land on the moon. This was a big step for mankind and an advantage to America's modern technology. Americans' were proud supportive of the mission Apollo 11. This made America more advaned and continued to competition with the U.S.S.R. for space.