Textile Industry

By s01269
  • Mill established in Sydney

    In 1815, Simon Lord established a mill in Sydney.
  • Mill agreement made

    Simon lord made an agreement with Governor Mcquarie to Mill, Dye and dress cloth at the female factory in Parramatta.
  • Textile Factory Established In Blackwattle Bay

    Another textile factory was made in Blackwattle Bay in Sydney. This factory manufactured the finest clothing.
  • Woolen mills in NSW

    By 1838 there were 7 woolen Mills in NSW.
  • More people dressed in tweeds made by Parramatta

    By 1841, more people in the colony dressed in tweeds. these were made in Parramatta.
  • Output of woolen cloth increased

    By 1852, the output of woolen cloth reached 235000 yards per year.
  • Factories bagan using steam powered machines

    By 1859, steam driven sewing machines were used in Melbourne clothing factories.
  • Penal Establishment at Pentridge

    The Illustrated Australian news reported that the first ever woolen cloth in Victoria was produced in Pentridge Prison.
  • First Woolen cloth in Victoria

    Linge suggested that the first woolen cloth in Victoria was infact produced by the Victorian Woolen and Cloth Manufacturing Company in 1868.
  • Period: to

    Increase in Industry and employment

    In the 1870's industry expanded rapidly and by 1877 Employment oppotunities increased and reached about 1000 employees.
  • Waverley woolen mill established

    The Waverley woolen mill was established in Distillery Creek near Launceston in 1873. It won a prize of $1000 by the Tasmanian Colonial Government. This was for having the first woolen goods manufactured in the colony from wool produced locally.
  • Period: to

    More employment increase

    Between 1896 and 1900, industry employment increased again to about 2000 workers.