Texas statehood

  • the old 300 comes to Texas

    the old 300 comes to Texas
    in 1821 a group of 300 people called the old 300 came to Texas to help the families
  • the Texas rangers protect Texas

    the Texas rangers protect Texas
    in 1835 texas needed some protection so they hired people then they got the people they needed and from that day on they were known as the Texas rangers
  • Sam Houston president of texas

    Sam Houston president of texas
    Sam Houston the first president of Texas when it became its very own country
  • texas gained its independence between Mexico

    texas gained its independence between Mexico
    in 1836 texas had won it they won the last battle the battle of san Jasinto. Texas just gained their independence
  • Period: to

    Texas has problems

    Texas has problems not only problems money problems
  • Mirabeau b. lamar the second president of Texas

    Mirabeau b. lamar the second president of Texas
    in 1838 Mirabeau b. lamar was elected 2nd president of Texas
  • the first flag of Texas

    the first flag of Texas
    in 1839 some one named Joanne troutman designed the first flag of Texas it was called the lone star
  • Sam Houston reelected president

    Sam Houston reelected president
    in 1841 sam houston was reelected president because he was a good president
  • anson jones the fourth and the last president of Texas

    anson jones the fourth and the last president of Texas
    in 1844 anson jones was elected the fourth and the last president of Texas before it joined e.e.u.u.
  • Jose Antonio Navarro

    Jose Antonio Navarro
    in 1845 Texas became a state and he helped write the constitution of independence of 1845
  • texas became the 28th state of e.e.u.u

    texas became the 28th state of e.e.u.u
    in 1846 james k. polk signed a bill that let Texas come to e.e.u.u. and stay their and be the 28th state of e.e.u.u.
  • the battle between e.e.u.u and Mexico

    the battle between e.e.u.u  and Mexico
    in 1846 when Texas joined e.e.u.u. Mexico really wanted them back so they had a battle and e.e.u.u. won
  • the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo

    the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo
    in 1848 the treaty of Guadalupe stopped the war between e.e.u.u. and Mexico
  • Texas gets annexed

    Texas gets annexed
    in 1845 Sam Houston, and Texas, and anson jones wants to annex to e.e.u.u.