many of the men were farmers or ranchers who had work to do at home since no fighting was taking place they returend home to their workvand families -
battle of gonzales
Trais assembled about 25 men they traveled to anahuac by schooner and fred a signal shot to announce their arrival -
siege of san antonio
when the texans began a month long siege of the city as these troops remined in san antonio, other colonist met to disuss the chaning situation in texas -
the consultation
with army of the people in san antonio,delegates gathered at san felip for a meeting called the consultation. the delegaets met to decide what action the teaxs should take -
battle of the alamo
the battle of the alamo is the most famous military clash in texas hisrory and is the subject of many movies and and novels -
the delegates gathered at washington on brazos forvthe seconed meeting of the consultaion also known as the convention of 1836