Constitution Of 1824
The Mexican Constitution was similar to the US constitution. The Mexican constitution had the same branches as United States and they both had 4 year terms and also they both had three branches. The Anglo americans were never represented so they never got ratified. Also this was important step independence and since they had poor leadership the document was never enforced. -
Fredonian Rebellion
This was a dispute between the Edward brothers and the Mexican Government. Haden Edwards was received a grant that would let him settle 800 families on Nacogdoches Texas which was in east Texas. Edward made an alliance with the Cherokee Indians and declared Repbuic of Fredonian free from the Mexican Goverment. -
Mier Y Terian Report
In 1827 President Guadalupe Victoria told Mier Terian to do a scientific research on the border of Texas. This was to observe the resources and the Indians native there. He left in 1827 and came back 1829. His report suggested that strong measures be acquired so US doesn't take Texas. He also made the law of April 6, 1830. -
Guerrero Decree
The Decree abolished slavery thought the republic of Mexico and was issued by president Vicente. This Decree reached Texas in October 16, but the chief held it back because of violation to the colonization law. Although the Decree was never followed, the Texas colonists were convinced that there interests were not safe. -
Law Of April 6 1830
The constituion of Texas began with the Mexican constitution but it was simmilar to The United States. The law also gorbid slavery in Mexico. Of this Austin was also involed and was anle to convince the Mexican Government to limit some parts of the law. After the law Texas colonists wer greatly disturbed by the new law. -
Conflict at Anahuac
Juan Davis Bradburn went to the mouth of the Trinity river to establish a garrison and town on October 26 1830. What his job was avoit was he had to collect conventions and also he had to prevent immigration. Captin were not paying tatiffs and he refused so Travis and Patrick got arrested. A large party began cannon up Brazos and meanwhile the singed Turtle Bauy Resolution. -
Turtle Bayou Resolutions
On June 12 1832 settlers opposed the command of the Mexican leader Juan Davis Bradhum. The Texas Rebels just learned that the Federalist army just won a war. The foir Resolutions condemed in to four and urged all Texans urge to support patriots to fight Santa Anna. The Federalist General came to an investigate but dod not punish anyone. -
Battle Of Velsco
The battle took place on June 26, 1832 and was first bloodshed from Texas and Mexican troops. Texans army ranged from 100-150 and the Mexicans estimated around 91-200 troops. The Texan army jad seven killed and 14 wounded and Mexico had five killed and sixteen killed. The Mexican also surrenderd after returning to Anuhac settelrs realised the Prisoners were free. -
Convention Of 1832
This convention was held at San Felipe de Austin after Anahauc disturbance. Fifty-five delegates elected SFA as president. The Convention also adopted the resolution of requesting tariif extensions. The Convention also established a militia for vigilance. Victoria redused to send delegates which the colonists of America were dissatisfied. -
Convention of 1833
Was the day Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna took control of Mexico. William H. Presided that they should have more adequate Indian Defenses and improvent mail services. The Delegates also decided to split Coahuilla from Texas assuming that the statehood would be granted. Sequin, Miller, and Austin were chosen to present petitons to the Mexican Government. -
SFA goes to Mexico
SFA left San Felipe de Austin and went to Mexico city to present a petition to the Mexican Government and presuded the government to repel the law of April 6. Austin also got arrested under suspicion of incite inserruction in Texas. SFA was released but not to leave Mexico City.