Battle of Gonzalez
first battle of texas revolution and lexington of texas COME AND TAKE IT -
Seige of San Antonio
when the texans arrived in san antoino a breif fight broke out near mission concepion . the mexican troop retreated father in to san antoino and the teaxans began a month long siege of the city -
the consultation
Settlers who belonged to the war party urged the peace party wanted to remain loyal to mexico but fight santa anna in support of consittutoin of 1824 -
Battle of San Antonoi
On novmber 26 deaf smth one of burlesons horeses and mules to san antoino .however when th texans attacked , they discovered that the mules wee carrying only grasss to feed the mexicans hungruy horses .about 300 or 500 men were rready to fight and on demcber 5 they attacked -
Battle of The Almo
Many texans thought the theart had ended after the battle of san antono .They belived that he would wait intilll spring to lauch his attack . the lack of preprtoin would untimatley cost them -
Battel of Coleto
ggernal sam houston to rretreat victoria . the fannis went to take a res twhen urreas men quickly soorounded them they fought -
Goliad Massarce
athough fannin singed an codintely surrender most histroins said they wouldnt be exeutuceted Santa anna dideced differently he order the to be shot or exeutucted -
Battle of san jancito
houstons supports belived they wanted to fight regardless ofhow the battle came out . the battle took place april 21 -
The constitution covetion of 1836
delagets gathered 1836 for the 2 meeting of constitution of 1836 the delgates declared texas indenpdent the next day march 2 within two weeeks they written a constitutoin -
Runaway scrape
some fled to lousiana others to eastern settlements such as nachodoches and gavetson bsy to await the war this is known as the runaway srape