Images 2

Texas Revolution Era By :Chase Dannen

By cbatson
  • Period: to

    Revolution Era

  • Battle of Gonzales

    First battle of Revolution
  • Consultation

    First meeting of Government
  • Attack of San Antonio

    They swept the city and took it.
  • Battle of Alamo

    Battle of Alamo
    All 189 men were killed.
  • Runaway Scrape

    Settelers ran away from Santa Anna
  • Constitutional Convention of 1836

    Constitutional Convention of 1836
    They made the constitution of Texas.
  • Battle of Coleto

    The battle where Fannin surrendered in a open prarie.
  • Goliad Massacre

    Goliad Massacre
    People were killed who surrendered and only a handful escaped.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    Texas won and captured Santa Anna