Texas Revolution

  • Sam Houston becomes president

    Sam Houston becomes president
    Voters elect Sam Houston first president of Texas.
  • Mirabeau B. Lamar becomes vice president

    Mirabeau B. Lamar becomes vice president
    Voters elected Mirabeau B. Lamar as vice president.
  • Immigrants arrive in Texas

    Immigrants arrive in Texas
    Immigrants also flocked the Republic of Texas.
  • Annexation

    Texas wanted to be added to the United States.
  • Period: to

    Problems for the Republic

    Some of the problems for the Republic for Texas were economic.Texas had borrowed money to pay for the war. Now Texas had economic problems with debt.
  • Texas gains it's independence

    Texas gains it's independence
    The Texas Revolution was adopted.
  • James K. Polk becomes president

    James K. Polk becomes president
    The United States elected James K. Polk as president
  • Period: to

    Anson Jones the last president of Texas

    Anson Jones served as the last president for the republic of Texas.
  • Texas became apart of the United States

    Texas became apart of the United States
    President Polk signed the official documents. Texas became the 28th state.
  • Jose Antonio Navarro

    Jose Antonio Navarro
    Jose Antonio Navarro was the only Tejano who took part in the process.
  • War with Mexico

    War with Mexico
    The United States declared war on Mexico.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.