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Texas Revolution Annotated Timeline

  • Period: to

    Texas Revoulation Timeline

    the Tx Rev.
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    first military engagement of the Texas Revolution. It was fought near the Mexican Texas town of Gonzales on October 2, 1835 between rebellious Texian settlers and a detachment of Mexican army troops. Four years previously, Mexican authorities had given the settlers of Gonzales a small cannon to help protect them from frequent Comanche raidi. As Mexican president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna assumed more dictatorial powers, federalists throughout the country began to protest.
  • March of the Mexican Army

    the Mexican Army Marched into the land known as San Antiono and attacked
  • Consultation of 1835

    Texas was planned for the fall the 1835 at Columbia to discuss escalating friction with Mexico, and consider options for more autonomous rule for Texas. Referred to as the Consultation of 1835, it was first set to convene on October 16. Although a few of the delegates met at the scheduled time, the meeting was almost immediately adjourned as the result of military hostilities that had erupted earlier in the month.power was established, however, which resulted in a relatively weak and indecisive
  • Declaration of 1835

    Declaration of 1835
    On Novbember 7, 1835 the Declaration of 1835 was sigened which gave Texas there Indepence
  • Texans Attack Of San Antonio

    Texans in strengthening their works, and opening a communication between the two divisions. the enemy were discovered to have occupied the tops of the houses between the Texans and the plaza, and to have cut loopholes in the parapet-walls crowning the buildings. From these points they opened and kept up during the day a brisk fire of small-arms ; at the same time a steady fire of artillery was maintained from the town and the Alamo. the texans got the Alamo, but ont for long...
  • Surrender of the Mexican Forces in San Antiono

    Surrender of the Mexican Forces in San Antiono
    as the Attact of the Texas move fowared the MExicans had realy on place to go, expet to fight but that would mean the loss of men so the goverment just diied to give up for the time being.
  • Siege of the Alamo

    Siege of the Alamo
    between February 23 and March 6, 1836 as part of the Battle of the Alamo.
  • Battle of Refugio

    Battle of Refugio
    1,500 soldiers fought against Amon Butler King and his 28 American volunteers and 120 Americans resulted in a Mexican victory and splintered Texan resistance
  • Texas Declaration of Independence

    Texas Declaration of Independence
    on March 2 1836 the Texas goverment joiend togeather and got what they had wannted for such a verry long time, there Independence. it was signed and later put into action later that Month.
  • Constitution of 1836

    Constitution of 1836
    The Constition of 1836 are delegates from different colonies. This is their second time meating. They talked about the siege at the Alamo and what they will do with the government.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    On March 6 1836 (wich happens to be my Birthday, well not the year but that Month and Day ) Was the day that the Mexicans wannted back there land and when the Texans willing NEVER to surrender NEVER did and payed a horrible price, death. The Texans were greately out numbered by the hunderds and with no way to win the Mexicans won and Texans, and Americans felt a deep hole in there hear knowing they could have helped but never did and so these brave people were never forgoton on this day MArch 6
  • Runaway Scrape

    Runaway Scrape
    beginning with the Siege and Fall of the Alamo and ending with the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21. It was a period of terror and panic among the settlements of Texas, as Santa Anna and the Mexican armies swept eastward from San Antonio, virtually unopposed. The news of the Texas victory at San Jacinto was received amid great rejoicing by the participants of the Runaway Scrape. with in a shor time the homes were rebilt and life was normal again.
  • swearing of the Texas goverment officials

    this is where the Texas governmrnt officals who were voted by the people were sworn into the Texas government. They wre the first ever Texas Government officals.