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Texas Revolution

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    Freedonian Rebellion

    Empressario Haden Edwards and his brother stole many land grants and asked Stephen F Austin to join their rebellion. Austin joined the Mexican Soldiers and drove the brothers out but the damage was already done and the Anglo Americans can no longer be trusted.
  • Mier y Teran Report

    Mier y Teran Report
    Mier y Teran was sent to write a report to determine how much of a threat the Anglo where against mexican rule. The Americans outnumbered the Mexicans 10 to 1 and his report said " If the Mexican government did not act quickly, they would lose their territory to the United States."
  • Law of April 6, 1830

    The Law of April 6 consisted of
    1. All immigration from the U.S would end
    2. No more empressario grants for Americans would be given out
    3. No new slaves could be brought to Texas
    4. Land grants would be given out only to mexican and european settlers
    5. A tax or custom duty must be paid on all trade goods from the U.S
    soldiers would be sent to texas to enforce these laws and all incomplete empressario contracts would be canceled
  • Turtle Bayou Resolution

    A lot of Americans got together and did 5 things
    1. complained about unfair taxes
    2. Pledged loyalty to the mexican constitution of 1824
    3. Supported Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
    4. defended their right under the constitution of 1824
    5. Texas citizens stayed loyal to Mexico
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    Capture of san antonio

    Benjamin R. Milam gattered an army to stop santa anna's attack. The attack was reschedule but they attacked in the morning. Milam got shot in dec 7 but they got vicotry in dec 9.
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    Runaway scrape

    News of mexicans attacking spread and made everyone panicked. Austin's colony completed a mass departure of people. he crossed with his best gennerals and about 4,000 men and artillery. Houston got a word and burned down the town of gonzales and ordered the civilians to follow his army eastward.
  • Battle of Gonzalez

    Battle of Gonzalez
    The battle was started because Mexican government tried to take the small canons given out to the settlers in Gonzalez. The texans created a crude banner saying "come and take it" with the picture of a canon on it. The Texans had effective hunting riffles that could shoot with more accurasy and won the battle.
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    Siege of the Alamo

    A group of texans led by George Collinsworth and Benjamin Miliam overwhelmed the mexican garrison at the alamo and captured the fort.A mexican force led by Santa Annna later came and outnumbered them 10 to 1. They held for 13 days but in the morning of march 6, mexican forces broke throught and defeated them
  • Texas Declaration Of Independence

    Texas Declaration Of Independence
    The declaration of independence was produced over night. It was briefly reviewed and adopted by the delegates. The document was similar to the one of the U.S's
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    When the group arrived at san jacinto, the mexican army along side with santa anna marched onward. Houston sent 3 people to destroy the mexican's army route of escape. The texan army yelled "remember the Alamo" and "remember goliad" after they heard "fire". the battle lasted 18 minutes and texans won
  • Massacre of Goliad

    Houston ordered Colonel James to move his group to victoria but he refused. Fanin's army was weighted down by 9 extra cannons & 200 extra rifles. They barely manage to retreat but refused to find cover in the woods. They got captured and executed.
  • The Treaties of Velasco

    Santa Anna admited defeat and signed two peace treaties. May 26 both sides broke the treaties and mexico refused to recognize texas independence.