
Texas Revolution

  • Period: to

    Capture of San Jacinto

    Texas . They took san antonio
  • Fredonian Rebellion

    Hayden Edwards and his brother Benjamin Edwards. They Caused problems trying to take land grants. They asked SFA to join their religion.
  • Mier Y Teran Report

    Mier Y Teran. He was sent to watch the Anglo's and how they disrespectful to the Mexican Government.
  • Law of April 6, 1830

    Mexicans. All immigrants were banned from coming to Texas. No more grants will be given out. No new slaves could be brought to Texas.
  • Declaration of independence

    People. The declaration of independence.
  • Turtle Bayou Resolution

    Mexicans. Three Mexican anglos were arrested for protesting. they were sent to jail
  • Battle of Gonzalez

    Mexico Texas. They fought for the cannon that the texans borrowed. texas
  • siege of the alamo

    Texas and mexico. Mexico did a sneak attack to the alamo. Mexico one that battle.
  • Texas Declaration of Independence

    The representatives. They signed the declaration of independence so they be free from mexico.
  • Period: to

    Runaway Scrape

    They were in panic cause santa anna was coming.
  • Massacre of Goliad

    Mexico Texas. They fought. Then Mexico won again.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Mexico Texas. They fought again. Texas won the battle.
  • Treaties of Velasco

    Santa anna and his left over troops and Texas. Santa Anna signed a peace treaties.
  • Treaties of Velasco

    santa anna and texas. SAnta anna signed a peace treaties