Texas Revolution

  • Battle of Coleto

    Battle of Coleto
    Urrea comes to take Goliad. Fannin refuses to give up and retreat to Victoria. Many of people including Fannin were wounden on the first day of fighting. After a brief exchange of fighting Fannin surrenders.
  • Goliad Massacre

    Goliad Massacre
    After surrending to Mexicans at Goliad, many Texans are murdered my Mexican troops.
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    Alcalde Andrew Ponton refuses to give up cannon to Mexican patrols. The Texans bury the cannon while Mexican patrols cross the river. Soldiers rally in Gonzales and elect J.H Moore there leader. Texans put a flag on the cannon that says Come and Take it after they dig it back up. Mexicans plan to take cannon and Moore's troop shoot at them. Mexicans leave and Texans win.
  • Siege of San Antonio

    Siege of San Antonio
    When Texans arrived in San Antonio a brief fight broke out. The Mexican troops retreated and the Texans egan a month-long siege of the city.
  • The Consulation

    The Consulation
    Delegates gather for a meeting called the consulation. They decided what action Texas should take, After many voting and debates they decided to set up a provisonal government in Texas.
  • Battle of San Antonio

    Battle of San Antonio
    Aout 300-500 Texan men were ready to fight and they launched thier attack. The fighting stopped when Cos hoisted a white flag of surrender.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    Mexican soilders try to take back the Alamo. Many Texans died and altough it was a win for Mexico it was a even bigger win for Texans.
  • Runaway Scrape

    Runaway Scrape
    Angolo settlers got togehter thier belongings,and headed East when they heard of the massacare. Some went to Lousiana,Nacogdoches,and Galeveston Island to await the outcome of the war. This flight is known as the runaway scrape.
  • Battle of San Jancinto

    Battle of San Jancinto
    A skirmis happened between the Mexican and Texan cavalry. The most important part happend the next day. Houston burned the bridge to keep Mexicans from retreating, while Mexican troops got more reinforcements. Texana attack Mexican troop when they are unpepared and won the battle. They shouted Remeber Goliad and the Alamo,
  • Constitutional Convention of 1836

    Constitutional Convention of 1836
    Delegates gathered at Washington-on-the-Brazos for the second meeting for the Consulation. The temperture and building were uncomfortable. Texas was declared independant, March 24.