Battel Of Gonzales
First Battel of the Texas Revloution.Lexingon Of Texas.Come and Take It. -
Siege of San Antonio
The Mexican troops retreated farther into San Antonio, and the Texans began a month-long siege -
The Consultstion
Settlers who belonged to the war party urged the delegates to declare independence from Mexico. -
Battel Of San Antonio
About 300 of the 500 men were ready to fight, and on December 5 they launched their attack. -
Battel of San Jacitnto
Critics claim that he wanted to reach saftey in Louisiana,but his men turned south toward Santa Anna. -
Runaway Scrape
The families living in the Gonzales area panicked when they learned of Santa Anna's advance and Houston's retreat.Certain that Santa Anna inteanded to kill all Anglo Americans in Texas,many settlers abandoned thier homes and fled. -
Battel of The Alamo
The Battel of The Alamo is the most famous military clash in Texas history and is the subject of many movies and novels. Even with all this attention, there are still unanswered questions. -
Constitutional Convention of 1836
The delegates gathered at Washington-on-Brazos for the second meeting of the Consulation,as known as the Cincedntion of 1836 -
Battel of Coleto
Fannin recieved orders from General Sam Houston to retreat to Victoria.Houston wanted to assemble all the troops were better organized. -
Goliad Massacre
Men were divided into threee columns and marched out of the compound.Some hoped they were being sented home.Instead,the guards began shooting all but a handful who escaped during the confusion.