Texas Independence

  • Mexico is Independence of Spain

    With the signing of the Treaty of Cordoba, Mexico is free from Spanish control after 300 years as a Spanish colony and 11 years of revolution.
  • General Colonization

    Mexico passes the General Colonization Law, formally opening Texas to colonization. Presenting empresario grants to individuals, he hope is to encourage settlement and economic growth in the remote Mexican land of Texas.
  • Constitution of 1824

    The Mexican government adopts the Constitution of 1824. Based on the United States constitution, Texians are, for the most part, in favor of the document. Texas and Coahuila are joined as a single Mexican state.
  • Mier and Teran Missions

    Mier y Teran is sent on a fact-finding mission to Texas by the Mexican government. Because of U.S. interest in Texas and the large number of Anglo settlers flowing into Mexico.
  • Mier and Teran Missions/ Part II

    In his report to the Mexican government, Mier y Teran recounts that the Americans living in the Nacogdoches area outnumber Mexicans 10 to 1 and American influence is apparent throughout Texas.
  • Law of April 6th

    In response to Mier y Teran's report, the Mexican government enacts the Law of April 6th. This law prohibits the immigration of any more Americans into Texas, places taxes on goods coming into Texas from the U.S., prohibits slaves from entering Texas from the U.S., and deploys Mexican troops for permanent duty station in Texas.
  • Rebelion

    Anglo-American settlers rebel against the Bustamente government and its violations of the Mexican Constitution of 1824. They adopt the Turtle Bayou Resolutions, pledging support for the constitution and urge all Texians to support the patriots fighting under Santa Anna to defeat military despotism.
  • Santa Anna become a dictator

    Santa Anna becomes dictator of Mexico, replacing the Federalist
    government with a Centralist government and disregards the Constitution of 1824.
  • El Álamo

    The Battle of the Alamo was a crucial military conflict in the Texas Revolution that consisted of a 13-day siege, from its start on February 23 to the final assault on March 6, 1836.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    The last battle of Texas war, where Santa Anna is captured and obligated to accepted the Texas independence.
  • Texas annexation to U.S.A

    Annexation of the Republic of Texas to the United States of America as the 28th state.