Transistors (1955-1963)
Is the second generation of Operative Systems, in this generation starts the the multi process https://prezi.com/ne1cxwu-7ze0/segunda-generacion-de-sistemas-operativos-1955-1965/ -
Integrated Circuits (1965-1971)
The third generation of OS, where we find scientific computers like calculators -
Fouth Generation: Personal Computers (1980-actual time)
The MS-DOS of Microsoft was one of the two Operative systems that domain this generation, here starts the microprocessors era -
Fourth Generation: Personal Computers
This system was the second one that domain in the beginning of the fourth generation https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-ab&biw=1670&bih=961&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=unix+1980&oq=unix+1980&gs_l=psy-ab.12... -
Microsoft 1.0
Here strats the mouse support that Microsoft incorporated in 1982 -
MAC OS 1984
This Apple Systems had a GUI, multitasking and mouse support https://prezi.com/gprvym2_pvnc/cuarta-generacion-de-sistemas-operativos-1980-2014/ -
Developed by Sun Microsystems, company that Oracle gets, is an Operative System based on Unix
[Image of Oracle Website]
https://www.oracle.com/solaris/solaris11/index.html -
Debian Project (1993)
Debian Project was a community formed by developers and users, this is a free operative system -
BeOS 1995
Was an operative system oriented to the multitasking and high performance, the OS was integrated in owned hardware (BeBox) that the same company provided https://prezi.com/gprvym2_pvnc/cuarta-generacion-de-sistemas-operativos-1980-2014/ -
Windows 2000
Was designed and oriented to companies and systems operators http://es.windows.wikia.com/wiki/Windows_2000