Tess's Life

By s23290
  • Graduation 2017

    Graduation 2017
    In May of 2017 I will graduate Park HIll high school
  • Summer Job 2017

    Summer Job 2017
    On May 20th I will get a summer job
  • College

    In August I will begin college, I hope to have scholarships to help me pay for it
  • summer road trip

    summer road trip
    June of 2018 my friends and I drive down to Florida
  • graduate college

    graduate college
    in 2021 I graduate as a history major and a minor in Liturature
  • get a job

    get a job
    be a historian in a museum
  • begin travle

    begin travle
    begin travling to see the world with friends
  • Hobbiton

    fufill a dream and go to Hobbiton in New Zealand
  • thermopylae

    stand on thermopylae
  • world travle

    world travle
    spend the rest of the year travling the world, do this by bying the cheepest plane tickets, sleep in friends homes and not bying expensive things
  • begin life

    begin life
    get loft in NY with roommates
  • married

    have a small wedding
  • investing

    use the double income to invest more
  • books

    publish my first novel
  • Scotland

    go to Scotland with my mom
  • move

    move to London for work
  • Buisness

    open a Book store
  • book

    publish my second book
  • retirement

    retire comfortably with my husband and pets in the countryside