Period: to
Meeting between Henry Morton Santley and David Livingstone
Coronation of Queen Victoria I as Empress of India
British occupation of Egypt, which becomes a protectorate
Berlin Conference. Distribution of Africa among the colonial powers. The Congo becomes the personal possession of King Leopold II of Belgium
Isaac Peral tested his submarine
Sino-Japanese War
Second Anglo-Boer War
Boxer Rebellion and assault on foreign delegations in Beijin
Russo-Japanese War
Russian Revolution
Treaty of Saint Petersburg between the British and Russians for the division of Central Asea
Sarajevo Beginning of the World War I
Period: to
World War I
Battles of Verdun and the Somme
United States' entry into the Great War. Russian withdrawal
February Revolution
October Revolution
The armistice is signed. End of World War I
Brest Litovsk Peace
Period: to
Russian Civil War
The start of the Paris conference. The peace Treaties were signed: Versailles, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Trianon, Neuilly and Sèvres
Creation of the Union Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)