Its a newborn (0-12 months)
This is a young newborn. -
Period: to
Toddler lifespan
toddler (13-15 months physical)
*toddler may stand erect with only slight support
*may begin to climb out of highchairs, strollers and cribs
*may creep like a bear with hands and feet in contact with floor
*sits by collapsing when taking first steps
*may be able to back downstairs -
Toddler (13-15 months) cognative
*Explores different feautures of objects as if studying them
* toddler has very short memory and almost no forethought
*looks in correct place for objects that roll out of sight
*loves to mimic all actions
*begins to show interest in texture by rubbing fingers over surfaces -
Toddler (16-18 months physical)
*may be able to walk sidewats
*walks fast and runs stiffly
*squats down smoothly from standing position
*pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
*stands on either foot for support -
Toddler (16-18 months cognative)
*toddler gradually refines concepts
*remembers where objects belong
*is inqusitive about everything
*tries to imitate the ways parents use objects
*enjoys working with shapes on form board -
Toddler (19-21 months physical)
19 month old baby dancing to beyoncetoddler begins to *walk sideways and backwards
*responds rhythmically to music with whole body
*runs without falling often -
Toddlers (19-21 months cognative)
*progresses from simple imitation to imaginaative play
*can remember familiar objects without seeing them
*is interested in tiny things such as tiny bugs
*places circles, triangles, and squares on form board -
toddler (22-24 cognative)
*follows simple directions
*may be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are
*recognizes when books and pictures are upside down
*becomes interested in the outcome of activities
*is curious about objects -
toddlers (22-24 physical)
*walks with more coordination and assurance
*walks sideways and backwards with ease
*likes to walk on low walls and perform other stunts
*can throw ball into basket
*throws ball overhead instead of tossing -
toddlers (24-30 cognative)
*becomes interested in kiddy shows
*understands outcome of their behavior
*likes to listen to tapes and recorings of of stories
*likes to imitate drawings of other people
*can follow two-step commands -
toddler (24-30 physical)
*kicks ball foward
*baby fat begins to disappear
*enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops
*climbs everywhere indoors
*plays on swings, ladders -
toddlers (30-36 physical)
*likes to be constant in movement
*enjoys game involving running
*climbs quickly on jungle gym
*jumps from any elevated object
*aim is poor -
toddlers (30-36) cognative
*begins to classify objects
*uses symbolic representation in make believe plays
*can stack rings in correct order
*tries to play new activities
*tries various roles in make believe plays