Technology use progression

  • PlayStation 2

    In September of 2004, the PlayStation 2 slim was released. It is game system and the manufacturer is Sony. The PlayStation was the first game system to have online gameplay through an ethernet cable connection. The inventor is Ken Kutaragi.
  • PlayStation 3

    In November of 2006, the PlayStation 3 (PS3) was created and it is a gaming system. It was the first ever game system to have a Blu-ray DVD player built into it so you could watch Blu-ray movies in it. The manufacturer is Sony and the invent is Ken Kutaragi.
  • LG Cosmos

    The LG Cosmos is a cellphone that was released in March of 2010. This phone was one of the first phones to have a slide out keyboard, also known as a (Qwerty keyboard). The slide out keyboard made it very easy to text because each letter was separate, rather than having to dial each number 3 times to send a text message on the earlier cellphones. The inventor is unknown.
  • iPhone 5C

    On September 20 of 2013, the iPhone 5C was released. The iPhone 5c is apple cellphone and it was the first iPhone to be released in multiple colors other than just black or white. This caused way more people to purchase the iPhone knowing that they had different colors to pick from. The manufacturer is Apple and the inventor is Steve Jobs.
  • iPad (6th gen)

    The iPad 6th generation was released in 2018. The iPad 6th generation has both a front and back camera which made it to where you can facetime people. The manufacturer is Apple and the inventor is Steve Jobs.