IBM 1401 mainframe at Oakton Highschool
ARPA net created, precursor to the internet
NSF holds a Project Directors Meeting on pre-college science education and the development of audiovisual and computer-related educational technology.
Distance learning program with computerized coursework launched in Virginia through Northern Virginia Community College.
Made use of the TICCIT system by Mitre and included colorized terminals that utilized 7 colors as well as audio and visual instruction. -
Apple IIe, personal computer invented
Oregon Trail computer game created by MECC
IBM personal computer, 5150, with MS-Dos
Nation at Risk report, calling for increased computer science programs in High schools
CD rom drive created
An entire set of encylopedias will fit on a single disc -
Creation of Powerpoint software
Period: to
Tim Berners-Lee created HTTP and first website developed
Conversion from analog to digitial media services
VA schools are computer based and online!
First interactive whiteboard
Virginia created the Web-Based Standards of Learning initiative which funded the infrastructure for online classes and testing
SBTS program created
FCPS recognizes that teachers need more support and training to successfully use technology in thh classroom. -
Online testing for VA SOLs piloted
13 school districts around the state begin piloting the online tests successfully. -
Installation of first Wireless Access Points
Allows for wireless access throughout school buildings -
VIrtual Virginia, online distance learning courses, launched by state
NCLB mandated
"VA launches Educational Technology Plan for Virginia: 2003-09(Virginia Department of Education, 2003) committing $350 million to improve technology in schools"
802.11g, the third wireless protocol launched with speeds of 54mbps, 5 times faster than previous 802.11b
VA begins funding technology resource teachers to help integrate technology into schools and classrooms
Interwrite tablet
Input device can be used by teachers and students, uses bluetooth connection -
Class Xp/IGPro grading software conversion
No longer do grades have to be entered on a scansheet. Teachers and staff can entered attendance and grades easily. -
First state to require online internet safety instruction for all students
Google Apps for education launched, giving schools a closed sandbox system for students and staff to interact
2009 Virginia Governor’s Technology Award for Innovative Use of Technology in K-12 Education
Ecart, an online testing repository created by FCPS, is innovative in its use for common assessments across the district -
1.7 million online tests completed
Online textbooks incorporated in U.S. History curriculum
District successfully begins piloting Bring Your Own Device and registers 6,000 users the first year -
School systems become the largest consumer of Chromebooks, small, portable lightweight notebook computers launched in 2011
Low cost technology makes it easier for students to acess the internet -
Google Apps for education integration
GAE provides a sandbox for staff and students to interact -
EducationSuperHighway will help ensure that all schools meet the president’s ConnectED goal of 1 Mbps/student by 2018
Online high school pilot offering full range of courses begins with 100 students