Technology Timeline

  • Chalkboard

    When I was a child I attended an old private school with chalkboards in every classroom.
  • Pencil & Notebook/Workbook

    Pencil & Notebook/Workbook
    My class used pencil and paper to practice writing cursive and did fill in the blank and multiple choice workbooks.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    The overhead projector had a clear sheet of plastic to place on top of the projector and write on it, which then transfers to the white pull down screen.
  • Books & Magazines

    Books & Magazines
    This was the last year before my class started using computers for research, so we would use books and magazines as references.
  • Computer

    My classroom was given one computer which was used only for playing learning games as an incentive, but we used library computers for one research paper that year.
  • Typing Class

    Typing Class
    A computer typing class became a requirement for one half of the school year.
  • Burning CDs

    Burning CDs
    In a dance class, we had to learn to use a machine for burning CDs for a grade.
  • USB

    I submitted my assignment via USB for the first time.
  • iPad

    I bought an iPad during college and used it mainly for the internet for school lessons and research.
  • Cell Phone Apps

    Cell Phone Apps
    Student accounts were now accessible by downloading the school's app on your smartphone.