Noah's Journey with video games and other advancements in technology!

  • Period: to

    Techonology Usage

  • I wrote on the wall with a pen.

    I wrote on the wall with a pen.
    I don't exactly remember doing this but the art remained for many many years till the wall was officially painted.
  • I remember watching TV

    I remember watching TV
    Scooby Doo is still one of my most favorite television shows to date.
  • Played the Super Nintendo

    Played the Super Nintendo
    My first gaming experience. I still miss Super Mario Superstars!
  • My family bought an iMac G3

    My family bought an iMac G3
    We had this bad boy for many years till it died. Used it for early on web browsing.
  • We upgraded to a G4

    We upgraded to a G4
    Our G3 was slowing down and we also got a good deal!
  • iTunes me busy for hours.

    iTunes me busy for hours.
    I can't really remember a time when I started using iTunes that I didn't have it up when I was on the computer.
  • Received a Red Gameboy Advanced SP with Pokemon Ruby

    Received a Red Gameboy Advanced SP with Pokemon Ruby
    This little red box kept me busy for many years to come!
  • Playstation 2 Time!

    Playstation 2 Time!
    My older brother gave me and my other siblings our first PS2 on the premise we would play Dance Dance Revolution for exercise.
  • Nintendo Wii and Motion Control

    Nintendo Wii and Motion Control
    My Family moves to Utah and we get a Nintendo Wii! Wii Bowling insues!!
  • Got my first phone!

    Got my first phone!
    I couldn't get a cell phone till I got my driver's license.
  • I Skype for the first time with my future Wife!

    I Skype for the first time with my future Wife!
    It was the first tiem I can really remember using technology like Skype.
  • My future wife and I design her Ring with help.

    My future wife and I design her Ring with help.
    Then the company made molds for her future ring!
  • Selfie Sticks... Ugh!

    Selfie Sticks... Ugh!
    I learn about selfie sticks because a selfie stick stopped our ride on Space Mountain at Disney Land