technology timeline

  • credit cards

    credit cards
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    the first credit cards were invented Ralph Schneider.
  • transitor radio

    transitor radio
    Read more Transistor radio was invented by Texas Instruments
  • computer hard disk

    computer hard disk
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    The first computer hard disk used
  • The microchip

    The microchip
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    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce both invent the microchip.
  • Rome Olypic games

    Rome Olypic games
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    The Olympic Games were held in Rome and Wilma Rudolf won three gold medals.
  • video disk was invented

    video disk was invented
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    The video disk invented
  • handheld calculator

    handheld calculator
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    The first handheld calculator invented
  • Floppy disk

    Floppy disk
    Read moreIn 1971, IBM introduced the first "memory disk", as it was called then, or the "floppy disk" as it is known today.
  • liposuction

    <ahref='' >Read more </a> Dr. Giorgio Fischer, a gynecologist from Rome, Italy, invented the liposuction procedure in 1974
  • Magnetic resonance imaging

    Magnetic resonance imaging
    Read more Magnetic resonance imaging or scanning (also called an MRI) is a method of looking inside the body without using surgery, harmful dyes or x-rays. it was invented by invented by Raymond V. Damadian
  • cell phones

    cell phones
    Read more Cellular: A type of wireless communication that is most familiar to mobile phones users. It's called 'cellular' because the system uses many base stations to divide a service area into multiple 'cells'. it was invented on 1979
  • Apple Lisa

    Apple Lisa
    Read more
    The Lisa - The Personal Computer That Works The Way You Do - Apple promotional material
  • Windows

    Read moreWindows program invented by Microsoft.
  • digital cellular

    digital cellular
    Read more Digital cellular phones invented.
  • World Wilde

    World Wilde
    Read moreThe World Wide Web and Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML) created by Tim Berners-Lee.
  • Channel Tunnel Opens

    Channel Tunnel Opens
    read more channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France (1994): On May 6, 1994, the Channel Tunnel, also known as the Chunnel, officially opened. The Channel Tunnel is a set of three 31.25-mile long tunnels that connect the island of Great Britain to the mainland of France.
  • Yitzhak Rabin assassination

    Yitzhak Rabin  assassination
    Read more On November 4, 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was shot and killed by Jewish radical Yigal Amir at the end of a peace rally in Tel Aviv.
  • Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash

    Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash
    Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash (1997): On August 31, 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales died after being involved in a car accident. Diana had been riding in the Mercedes-Benz with her boyfriend
  • Millennium Dome at Greenwich

    Millennium Dome at Greenwich
    Read more In London, the Millennium Dome at Greenwich was opened to the public. The Dome was open during the whole of 2000 and contained a large number of attractions and exhibits.
  • NASA's Space shuttle 'Columbia' STS-107 was destroyed

    	NASA's Space shuttle 'Columbia' STS-107 was destroyed
    Read more NASA's Space shuttle 'Columbia' STS-107 was destroyed killing all astronauts during its re-entry to Earth. Contact was lost around 9.00am (2.00pm GMT).
  • The New Horizons spacecraft

    The New Horizons spacecraft
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    The New Horizons spacecraft was launched, beginning the first ever mission to Pluto.
  • President og Georgia

    President og Georgia
    Jan. 6: President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, is reelected, taking 52% of the vote. Read more: Information Please: 2008
  • Winter Olympics

    Winter Olympics
    Feb. 12: The 2010 Winter Olympics opened in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Read more: Information Please: 2010