technology project #3 P2 1955 - 1975

  • 1955

    Disney Land opened to the public where it then became the biggest tourist attraction throughout that year.
  • 1956

    Elvis Presley appears on the ED Sullivan show
  • 1957

    Soviets launch Sputnik, ‘space race begins
  • 1958

    NASA Created
  • 1959

    Alaska and Hawaii added to the United States
  • 1960

    Civil Rights Acts
  • 1961

    John F. Kennedy becomes President
  • 1962

    Marilyn Moroe Dies
  • 1963

    The feminine Mystique by betty Friedan
  • 1964

    The Beatles arrive in the US
  • 1965

    Immigration Act of 1965
  • 1966

    Feminist group National Organisation for woman
  • 1967

    South Africa - Heart Transplant
  • 1968

    Shirley Chisholm first balck woman elected to congress
  • 1969

    Seseame Street premiers on national Educational
  • 1970

    Kent State and Jackson State shootings
  • 1971

    Ban on cigarette ads on radio and TV
  • 1972

    President Nixon re-elcted
  • 1973

    skylab launched as the first U.S. spacestaion
  • 1974

    Stephen King publishes his debut novel
  • 1975

    Bill gates creates Microsoft